What's is "walk under"?


I’m new to the ssf2t forum.

I have played ssf2t when in come out in the arcade 10+ years ago but I know nothing in depth. Just the standard fireball and DP fare you know :slight_smile:

So I have been reading the wiki and discover a whole new world.

One thing that is not explained clearly is the term “walk under” and it is mentioned in multiple places like the boxer’s tick throw loop.

Can someone explain what that is, and how to execute it with boxer or e honda? (the exact joystick / buttom input)

Thanks in advance.

It’s very simple! :smile:

When your opponent is up in the air (off of the ground), you can walk forward and pass underneath them so that you are on their other side when they land.

They need to be high enough up that their feet are above your character’s head during this time so that you can actually make it through. If they are too low you will just walk into them.

They could be in the air because they jumped, but there are also other situations that will put someone in the air. For example: when an opponent escapes from Boxer’s throw, they will flip backwards and be in the air for a moment. At this moment, you can walk under them.

[media=youtube]sj7yDTa4rkY&#t=1m32s"]Fei Long [URL=“http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sj7yDTa4rkY&#t=3m10s”[/media].

[media=youtube]s7ebxFD1O90&#t=2m38s"[/media] cross under off of the RH hold.

[media=youtube]yY3Yx9mT6Ks"[/media] is loaded with unusual ways of crossing up opponents without having to jump.

0:42 Ken uses crazy kicks to pass through Ryu.
0:48 Dictator does a slide while Guile is airborne and when Guile lands he’s crossed up.
1:05 Honda does a hold against a cornered opponent then walks under them and does a cross up sweep.
1:14 Dictator passes right through Claw due to inertia and wacky hitbox properties.
1:20 Blanka hops through Ryu and gets a dragon punch to come out on the wrong side.
2:11 Dictator does another cross up slide.
2:28 Sim does a cross up slide underneath Chun.
2:44 Cammy anti-airs Fei then walks underneath him for a cross up.
2:53 Dictator crosses through Zangief using a corner trick (more on that [media=youtube]sKVjpAGnMTQ"[/media]).
2:57 Chun ends up on the opposite side after a corner throw.
3:14 Ken walks under his opponent after a kneebash (Damdai used this in HDR at EVO last year).
3:18 Blanka rolls through his opponent and ends up on the opposite side.

Guys, thank you so much for the explanation.

BTW, the video helps a lot for me to understand how it is used.

I have another question. I often see the notation xx.

Does that mean pressing the button rapidly or something else?

cr.Short xx Smash,

st.Fierce xx Chicken Wing

This game is not easy to master!

Since no one has answer my above question yet, I might as well add one more :slight_smile:

What does zoning mean? Is it maintaining the most advantageous distance between you and your opponent?


xx means cancel the first into the next. And yes zoning is basically what you know it as.