You are aware that is in their best interest to showcase the best way possible their product, right?
It is why this speculation of your falls flat, they gain nothing by showing a version of the game that lookslike this and holding something that “looks better” for later.
Add that none of their trailers even hint that this could be a possibility.
The game just look like ass, and people are noticing it.
Dont get mad because people are not willing to shill for it.
From what i heard, capcom japan doesn’t really want to invest into fighting games anymore. Which it shows tbh.
Lol, there’s nothing to be embarrased about. Besdes rip offs, I refuse to believe that some people are downright absolute morons. A game with masses of memory hogging high detail particle effects, but crappy looking models. What could they do? The gameplay trailers speak different words, they show gameplay with actual anti aliasing, and they’ve had 6 months to work with the game since then and another 3 months to go to figure out how to optimise it. If making the characters look like ass was their solution then I’ll eat my own shit. The demo lacks AA, that’s it, that’s why it looks like crap, there’s nothing wrong with “the graphics”… besides Chun’Li’s nose.
Yeah, I don’t see this game doing well, despite the fact that it looks like a blast to play. There’s just not enough in the presentation here to make the average gamer excited for it, and the visuals are literally mobile game level. I will bitch about Injustice’s stiff-ass animations and wedding-ring level commitment on strings for all time, but NRS gets how to put a complete package together for the average audience. I don’t play NRS games, but I see the appeal for sure.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m getting this game. Gameplay looks fucking fantastic and the gem stuff is hype as hell for the dirty boys and girls of the FGC, but this just feels like the desperate flailings of a company with nothing concrete to offer. Anyone can see that this project looks cobbled together. I really hope Capcom has some luck with other IPs so they can afford to revise their approach to fighting games down the line.
Who knows, maybe this game will be a cult hit with the FGC and it can have its own post-mortem life like SFxT.
Thankfully, it looks like almost every other company the develops fighting games is coming out swinging. We have a metric ton of alternatives until(or if) Capcom gets its shit together.
dude i know. i want Capcom to go to the brink of bankruptcy or even go bankrupt altogether to see if they get their shit straight. all the people at the top need to go and they are fucking everything up. there’s nothing we can do and it’s frustrating.
Nigga, i am a software engineer, you wouldn’t convice me with speculative shit with zero basis.
It is clear that you are an alt account made just to shill this pos, you are not convicing anyone with half of a brain.
I know that this is Stupid Retarded Kidz
But not everyone lives up to the moto.
You read it here folks, there is nothing wrong with MVCI graphics
I’m waiting for you to either tell me or post pics of the entire cast instead of just cherry picking four photos. So Chris looks like Rocky Balboa and Dante looks like he’s on meth, that’s four out of how many? Game still isn’t finished and no one knows how old these assets are, and none of this shit matters anyway while you’re actually playing. Do the title screen models look bad to you?
Capcom went from
DMC3 - DmC
God Hand - Asura’s wrath
CVS2 - SF4
Look at the new versions of RE, bionic commando, and all of their new IPs in between.
MVC3 was the only one that actually had gameplay advantages over it’s predecessor(freedom of movement) and I think we all know that it is arguable that these advantages even added up to a better game than mvc2. In every instance advanced mechanics/execution/movement options were abandoned for cinematic dribble. This has been true in all of their games.
the lighting etc.
their decisions for rendering are just baffling. it makes the characters look really bad.
characters have their own baked in lighting. but like, really fucking bad lighting.
I have seen budget 2005 porn games with better graphics, so yeah, they look terrible.
Also stop trying man, i know that you are here to try to do damage control.
But this is a lose battle. You are not convicing us that the graphics look fine, or that we should wait and see how they will get better, we know that it isn’t happening.
I can’t tell whether you’re paranoid or deluded, or both. You’re a software engineer, what puts more strain on a system, 3D models or particle effects? They’ve had 6 months to fix this shit and another 3 months to go, if they couldn’t get a steady fps with anti aliasing what would they have turned to first as a solution? The 3D models or the particle effects? All the bling looks gorgous, the characters are all jaggied, that’s the difference, I’m not gonna give a shit about Dante’s eyeball when I’m playing the game, and I doubt anyone else will too. All the trailers look good, the demo is a demo.