What's "best" way to sword loop with Vergil?

Too many different ways to sword loop D:
The combo thread is saying to use Lunar Phase, but my friend never uses Lunar Phase in his sword loops. His combo looks much harder and frame tight so I’m assuming it’s better for damage or something. What he does is:

Spiral Swords, dash, j.2H, j.2H, release RT, <not sure> S , H, </notsure> Judgment Cut, cr.H, Spiral Swords
(I’ve never seen this variation used in any of the videos I’ve seen.)

“Best” meaning most damage and most meter building.

RT by rights should take the means of being able to put in other commands. It should by theory be easier to assign an attack to another button to free up the other buttons. I try to hold RT but find the other command inaccessible since it hold more than one button. Lunar phase is definitely effective, however I shall try yours and compare the differences. I am trying to find an attack that can link from his corner H (the uppercut) aside from Hypers.