What's a faster game ST or MVC2?

So what you guys think?

What’s a faster game Super Turbo on speed 3 or Marvel Vs Capcom 2?

I am currently playing Super Turbo again (I leave it on Speed 3 arcade machine) and I’m realizing how fast a game it is. It seems even more hectic than Marvel. Especially when you got to fight freaking Vega.

So what you guys think?

Both are great games.

I honestly think MvC2 is faster, but then again there is more on-screen stuff to do.

My vote: MvC

ST is so fast! You blink you die. Especially with a character like Balrog. Sometimes it really gets embarrassing how fast you get killed in that game. Even more so than when you don’t even get to use one character in Marvel and get beasted.

Some Marvel players told me that ST is too fast for them. Funny.

ST isn’t as fast itself, but how quickly you have to think to succeed at it is nuts.
As for Marvel, half of it is super reflexes, like blocking a high/low tripjump rush down or blocking a reset. Shit becomes second nature after a while too, I’m sure same holds for ST.

Marvel’s faster but when it comes to how fast you need to think, these games are close enough that depends on your opponent.

Spiral makes my brain freeze :crybaby:

… Only with Magneto.

watch magneto or storm rush down tri jumping hi’s and low’s mixups and crossovers

then watch ryu and sagat fireball spam…

no contest


Sometimes with Zangief, Ken, & Sagat (If your a Scrub).

Honestly, I think its basically a tie. I’ve played ST for about 2 years and recently got into Marvel, and I gotta say even though Marvel is just mind boggling, they both require the same kind of reaction time which is what really matters.

Something I know a lot of you will disagree with me on though, I genuinely think there is more bullshit in ST than in MVC2 :slight_smile:

Double Post

don’t know. i’d have to put Marvel Bison vs. ST Bison to see who’d win.

idk i think ST bison would win on account of his picture looks way scarier than any of his later pictures.

i think marvels execution and combos are fast, but a ST round could last 10 seconds, so they are both fast in thier own respects.

remember its 3 rounds equivalent in mvc2. and one round can be over in 5 secs vs magneto.

what are you babbling about.

if mangeto hits you with c.lk in the beginning, shit is done. He wins the game in under a second. Same with IM and his s.rh.

If you’re talking totally fully dead, I watched mixup beat someone in 8 seconds with mummy\morrigan ron.