I guess that means I’d never win a tourney.
I don’t think anyone is arguing, at least we haven’t resorted to calling each other scrubs.
Yes, but the counter statement to that would be, why should the righties need to be more trickier when the lefties can get the job done already? :razz:
doesn’t matter either way really. daigo is prime example because he has flourished n both atmospheres. at tourney level, i can’t imagine anyone counterpicking with someone he/she doesn’t know how 2 use properly. daigo’s st balrog is scarier than his ryu imo.
n either situation whoever comes out on top is going 2 have faced fierce competition aginst good n bad matchups so nothing can be taken from that person anyway. i think it just goes down 2 who u would give more respect 2: the guy who won by using 1 character against all matchups or the guy who knows all matchups n can properly utilize all available tools.
Yeah I gotta say I love this debate. This is one of the best ‘GOOD arguments on both sides’ I’ve read in a while. And I still don’t know which tournament format I prefer.