Keep character specific stuff in character specific threads. Most of them have a wishlist already.
This is for game related things.
And if it’s specific to PS3, 360, PC then note that.
Do not allow people with low framerate to play ranked/championship games. i.e. Require people to run the benchmark and/or use the previous match as a reference.
Default the framerate setting to Fixed.
All Versions:
More stages. There should at least be 10 total. And changing the lighting on an existing stage does not = new stage! SNK games used to do day/night/rain/etc changes between rounds. I’d love to see that in SFIV Dash.
But at the least, give us more stages!
If there would be only 1 stage and that would be just brown backround, nothing else. Can you honestly say it would not matter?
Time changing stages, hell yeah
Car smashing, barrel beatdown and a new secret game. How about Reverse Builder where you could destroy the houses where other characters live. It would randomly select cast members house. Every house would be built differently so you would have to use different techs.
Edit. There should also be a window in the house, you know like Sagat watching inside the house when you are stripping down the walls and roof. Epic.
Group lobbies. So friends or whoever can take turns playing the winner. Non-players can chat and/or watch the match. Perhaps allow multiple matches in the same group.
My only complaint with the game as it stands really. I don’t understand why it’s not in there but I’m sure they thought about it and decided not to go that route.
-Stricter input window.
-Smaller reversal window.
-Fix that crap where some characters idle motions and “get hit” motions cause moves to whiff.
-Remove auto-flipping.
Im pretty sure none of those will happen though. It would make the game less casual friendly.