The only Arcade I know of is Galloping Ghost arcade. Its not accessible by public trans. If you have a car (or a buddy) you’ll be fine.
I played one match on hdr last night against some gouki, is he even playable on ST cabs?
also holy shit why are fireballs so fast.
and Chun’s air sbk is dat shit for building meter.
yeah he’s playable on ST cabs but he’s liked Gill tier and banned everywhere AFAIK
you have to put in some set of inputs to play as him on a real cab, and he’s a hidden option above Honda on the character select screen in HDR. I think I’m remembering that all correctly. supposedly he’s less broken in HDR but still pretty cheap.
and yeah fireballs. god bless them!
It’s funny, I love fireball battles in SF2. In 3S, they take a little more patience and better decision making. In SF4 fireball battles just are -__-… Naaaaaaauuuuughty… I don’t know what it is that makes SF4 such an abysmal experience for me but every single aspect of every SF game that I enjoy is over-riden by the abuse of mashing during block-stun, and wake up DP… Still curious as to why characters w/ non shoryukens have such great hitboxes on all their wake up attacks. Also, I loath the concept of full invincibility on moves… SF4 is plagued with this and GOD-like back dashes…
Jazz is one of North America’s original art forms. Too bad we can’t claim that for 3s
::Kefka laugh::
“North America”? Oh Funland, you’re so Canadian…
::Kefka laugh::
Nothing transfer thats why everybody and their mother hates 3S…
Well that awareness of when and where to attack transfers over pretty well, it’s just that the numbers aren’t exactly set up in a way to teach people about REAL counter pokes as opposed to just frame traps. So I guess you would say the initial positioning transfers over as well as 2 of the characters.
I noticed that 3s is a lot like fencing.
Actually Poe, you have a rather Canadian disposition. You’re way too friendly to be a Yank (most of the time).
::Garland opens a flap in his magic armor and takes a dump on your forehead:: 8-|