What situations to practice first and foremost as a beginner Birdie?

As the titles says, I would like to know what are the most important situations to practice as Birdie. I know his BnB combos and practice the execution every day but seeing as the training mode allows us to pretty much replicate match scenarios, I would like to know which are the most important situations that you need to get used to asap.

Go play Roulette and do some practice. That’s perfect.

use training mode against ryu and recording option, set up 3 options, first use a walking back and forward and fireball, second use a walk and forward and then jump and j.hp and last use a walk and forward and do nothing, then replay and try to react to the fireball with a bullhorn or CA and the anti air with a c.mp: hint: put a piece o paper or something in the TV screen to hide the number of the recording.