what should be my next project?

Another ghetto tutorial… Iori maybe :lovin:

more like “how to play Iori just like Buk” with like 10 vids to give you the cookies n cream. a ghetto tutorial of k-rolento would be nice.

no thats not at all what i ment.

Read the Iori guide on gamefags, then watch Iori vids, you’ll see what you read applied! :woot:

well then how is reading a faq on gamefaqs any different then one of Buk’s ghetto tutorials?

One is currently available to you?

I was thinking about the N-iori faq buktooth made…

Here is the link:

IMO it’s already as complete as a ghetto tut would be. Then having read that, (its quite long to read :stuck_out_tongue: ), you watch iori games, and you think, “hey this was in the guide!”


That whole sentence had me cracking up, not just the Bronson part, lol.

Thank you.

you should really show people the untapped power of C-Iori, I think I’m the only one who has seen it, but then again I’m the reason you ever realized his true potential!!! :slight_smile: