i agree but still hard to beat A vega bison sak blanka thats where a good cammy really shines
so basic, so powerful, so…
k well, when you start playing every yamazaki matchup the same let me know since vega PRETTY much plays exactly the same regardless of who hes playing.:rolleyes:
yama vs sagat and yama vs cammy are two entirely different matchups and mindsets as is yama vs vega and yama vs blanka
so is vega vs sagat and vega vs cammy. two completely different matches. if you disagree, you are wrong.
FAQ’s losing to videos aka “nobody likes reading walls of text”
its just easier to understand a video
what would be ideal is a write up and video’s to demo stuff, but that would take way too much of buks time, so a ghetto tutorial is a good middle ground, it has buk explaining everything, and the video to demonstrate
actually i really wouldnt mind a wall of text, i find it cures boredom better.
Well Im interested in the Iori FAQ but I doubt Buk will do an Ghetto Iori vid.
not as much so as yama. not even close
Yes as much as Yama. Not to mention changing up play style vs P / K with Vega. Vega doesn’t play the same vs everyone (about the only constant is whiff punishing, which is more a function of the player than the character), please don’t make such silly comments. You don’t like Vega, we get it. =)
yeah fuck vega!
Really? You really think vega plays THAT much differently? Its not even wether I like vega or not (i do, for the record) its just that how many times you see vega rushing down or using different pressure strings depending on matchups? You see vega sit back, turtle, whiff punish, build meter, and zone. Thats about it.
edit: how many GOOD p vegas and k vegas are there? makoto for p and who used the k vega at evo or whatever, was it amir?
Why would you mention good P/K vegas? I think he just said that vega has to change his game against P/K because most of his pokes are JD/parry bait and extremely punishable. Crouching strong, fierce, roundhouse, forward and vega ball are all easily jd/parryable and leave him open for days depending on range. Also, Vega has low stun and low hp so trading against a K-groover w/ rage up (35% dmg increase and a lot of damage reduction) is definitely a bad idea.
okay, vega and yama both play fairly linearly. that is, they abuse similar moves against the majority of the cast.
to onikage- to say vega changes up his playstyle against P/K groove is not that true. if anything, he gets dumbed down MORE against P/K because non-roll grooves have a harder time dealing with his cheaper (that is, more exploitive) stuff. for example, RC ball/flipkicks are more of a pain against P/K groove. i remember buk saying vega is more of a pain to K-groove than A-sakura.
to pieguy- saying that entire list of pokes leaves him “open for days” is just wrong. crouching strong, fierce, and roundhouse do leave him punishable, yes. but crouching forward and ball? not really. and even if you predict all of vega’s pokes and plan on JD’ing/parrying them, you still get thrown (air or ground) to make you think differently. i have always thought that a smarter/more patient/better at turtling vega destroys really good P/K groovers.
Oof, that should end the derail right then and there (I hope).
On topic again. I voted for “ghetto tut’s” cus I enjoyed the other ones. Each on is a very clear explanation of a character’s strengths. If you (buk) end up uploading match videos: that’s not much of an intellectual project (lol?), more like a ton of work capturing and uploading vids.
For me personally I’d enjoy hearing you or other player’s insights on the game more than watching a match, because I KNOW that I’m not getting everything that’s going on in there. Take that last batch of match vids from “cvs2 event page”. I watch Daidoraku (sp?) own with Gouki and it all seems so obvious the way he plays. I’ve seen the following a ton of times in many matches: hurricane>dp run a short distance, crossup j.mk. To this day I don’t get why it lands so much, it doesn’t LOOK ambiguous and I don’t remember it NOT crossing up. Also, do they jump ONLY if they don’t safe fall? Or do you have to assume you’ve conditioned them not to in order to go for it? I want to know if that’s reactions or mind-games. That’s the kidn of stuff I’m interested in and after watching high level play I’m often left with unanswered questions.
Moderating this thread.
Thanks for articulating my thoughts for me!
i hereby crown gridman as Popoblo the 2nd. go forth and prosper
14->16 - (5+24) = -15 -> -13 frame disadvantage
18->20 - (12+27) = -21 -> -19
14->16 - (6+13) = -5 -> -3 frame disadvantage.
18->20 - (9+27) = -20 -> -18 but realistically, you probably only have about 5 frames to punish because nobody slides at point blank
18->20 - (10+23) = -15 -> -13
A lot of the K top tiers give vega a terrible time, especially Cammy and Sagat. Vega’s AA’s are all very easily JD’d (flipkick, s.rh, c.strong, c.fierce) and red impact is one of the easiest supers in the game to JD. Also, unlike w/ a lot of other JD’d normals and specials, Vega doesn’t always recover in time to be safe or at advantage.
I don’t even know why I bothered putting up this info cause it’s a huge derail but it’s just hard to imagine a character that has more disadvantaged normals on JD/parry than Vega.
I’m all for match vids if they’ve never been released because ranbats and tourney vids seem to be very rare these days. I just hope there’s no moving black bars of death across the screens :tup:
I pretty much thought of myself as that a long time ago. Glad someone else realized it.
Okay whatever, all these people who dont play yama are yama experts. I dont care. Whoever was arguing with me is right and I’m wrong. K?
whens this poll end