"What people msg you after you beat them" MvC2 edition

Scrubs bitch about assists because they never use it themselves. I know because when I started it took a month of beasting from a friend before it registered in my brain that I had 2 other buttons. Its just something unique to marvel, and a lot of casuals can’t adjust to it, or forget assist buttons are even there. Takes a while to get used to. But that’s no excuse, if it’s in the game, you can use it.

Wow, really? Screw that arcade! :rofl:

Lol I’ve been using Team Scrub also, I’m pretty terrible also. No hate mail, three ragequits, I don’t use my mic, but I’ve run into someone who was so damn laggy it seemed he was rewinding the match. His ping was only 25 though and I’m on the East coast.

theres just something about multiple tempest combos that seem to tell nubs to rage quit instantly lolz!

some jackass employee @ our local arcade turned the damage all the way up so he could win more with his cable. He seriously got tired of losing to us so he cheated to win. Even then, he couldn’t beat our cities top players which I find hilarious still to this day. He cheated and STILL couldn’t get to the top.


Was it a Tilt? Those employees were the worst!

A player sent me a Voice Message calling me a Cheap Ass Player for beating him!

I sent him a Voice Message back only doing a Farting Sound!!

I played someone a couple days ago that kept telling me to stop using assists on the mic. I’m new and pretty bad so I was using scrub and he got pissed and sent me a voice message calling me a pussy drone spammer and told me to learn to do combos.

I can’t believe this many people are like this.

When they get angry/send hatemail I ask them what team I should beat them with and how, and then go do that. It’s worked out pretty well/hilariously. :tup:

Highly recommended.


I was playing this guy and I used a team I rarely use, but I guess he was actually good with some low tiers and he beat me (I was surprised, he message me saying “get that weak shit outta here”

But a few minutes later, I encountered that same player again and beat him with my usual team and I replied to him by saying “get that weak shit outta here”!

No rage quits or anything, just GG’s. :frowning: im not raping hard enough.

i have pretty much only been playing anakaris on ranked…no hate messages at all…but stuff like “I like that” or “good shit, no sentinel” lol…those messages would’ve been different if I used sent I’m sure.

I get plenty of ragequitters though…especially when anakaris rapes/OCVs their whole team in a matter of seconds. but they really can’t say much in a message after that.

I think I might start mirror matching people though, preppy. sounds like a fun time.

when I was using magneto, ironman, etc. I got like 2 hate messages. forgot exactly what they were though : /

There’s still a Tilt in north Florida!

I hope it’s not like the one you described, though…

One guy asked me how much meth costs these days, which I thought was an odd reaction to getting beat in a video game.

“you run like a bitch”

to which i responded, “thanks”.

this dude had to play me again and was just chatting in the room and refused to hit “a” to continue, and then eventually just dropped from the room. ha ha.

lol. i had 5, yes, 5 back to back disconnects today from my shitty pad playing team of cable, ice/cc, rogue. all my disconnects were from speed up semi infinite combos with rogue, general rogue lock down, and one keep away spam ice beam assist, cable bullshit. LOL. as soon as i started the speed up infinite they quit. lol, it cracked me up. yes, they all had either wolverine or spidey on their team. lemme get that speed up. YEAH! cant wait to get a stick. muhahahahahaaaaaaaaa


yes… all caps just like that… thanks “ASATOURIAN” yer mom will really invite me over again… :bluu: fuckin blocker :rofl:

If you’re not getting hate mail, you’re doing something wrong.


Teh Papp:

“lol gg spamnoob u blow”

I just got this game, never played it before, and I just kept qcf+p-ing him with sentinel. he didn’t know what to do, so I kept doing it.

he rage quit soonafter

TheLegendofTaco sent me a kind message stating: “wow your a ***” after he realized he couldn’t escape my Spiral trap.