"what other players msg you after you beat them" SF4 Edition

Was playing ranked earlier and perfected some guys Akuma in 2 outta 3 rounds. Got a message afterwards simply saying “Awesome”!

So people complain you guys block? How else are you supposed to, you know, not take damage?

I guess got my first hatemail on Sunday. I beat some guy in close ass ranked match, where he fucked up in the end and was punished. He sent me “Nice 1 ***”. I replied “you MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD!!!”. He followed up with a “HELL YEA LOL,” so it lost it’s venom after that.

Other than that I get most complimentary messages. Some guy sent me some shit about how I’m a good fighter and I could help him with his defense and sent me a friend request. I wish I received more angry messages though, I could have more fun with them.

Got a weird one last night. Dude saw I picked Chun Li and dropped as soon as the fight started. He messaged me right after “I hate chunliers”.

Um… ok. What, if some one picks a character you don’t like to fight then that’s it, you don’t even want to try? I guess dude also didn’t realize, I suck at this game, if he stuck around he probably would have kicked my ass :confused:

It amazes me how incompetent these messages sound. How are they even able to figure out how to properly use modern electronics? And if people hate getting thrown, imagine their take on Zangief players.

A great way to get ragemessages as Gief is to scream “HUG MEEEEEE!!!” with a high pitched voice into the mike when you do his Ultra.

You really and I mean really should have recorded that match with sound.

Play Gief sometime. A good chunk of players always fall for point-blank SPDs as they wake up in front of you, and they love to let you know.

When I pick Guile and the other guy goes straight for Sagat after seeing my pick…I am temped to quit too.

I don’t do it…I man up and give it everything I have, but its depressing to know that I can play a much better mach and still lose due to the insane character imbalance of that matchup.

But hey, losing is part of learning, read my sig…it explains my attitude nicely.

That’s because your Chun Li is vicious. :pray::pray: :bgrin:


What I wouldn’t give to had seen that unfold.


That’s the best SF story I’ve heard in awhile

I play mostly Zangief and hug them to death, even with difficult-to-escape crossup throws but out of the 500+ matches I got single hate message but lots of friend requests…

starting getting my first batch of hatemail over Xbox Live. some favorites after people disconnected on me.

“ur gay like vega”
“cheesse bich” (huh?)
“you suk”

good shit.

“You throw too much”

Gotta practise chess, else you’re just not good. :confused:

Oh shit, DeeJay is in the game!

I recorded a msg i got from some kid…but i dont know how to put it online. Anyone have any suggestions.

If by recorded you mean video… then youtube?

Hahaha, could you imagine people doing that with Kens? Hilarious.