What makes a cartoon/anime good/bad? (read thread rules before posting)

I can name some bad anime like

Green green, girls bravo, or any ecchi anime just sucks. They keep re-hasing the same generic characters in these types of animes. You might as well just make them hentais.

Harlem animes pretty much the same, they should only be hentai.

What makes a good cartoon? Fan input from Tumblr and DeviantArt

What makes a bad anime? A show involving high school kids. Fuck you Japan we have had enough of this shit!

What makes a fucking terrible I wanna go and kick the cat through the window anime? A show involving emo high school kids. Fuck you Japan.

I don’t know what nonsense y’all are talking about, but any list of top Animated series that doesn’t have Batman:TAS at number one is fail incarnate.

Filler episodes, or just continuing to ride out the popularity makes any anime bad. Just finish the fucking series and move on to something else!

I’d watch a show called Legend of Korea just as long ad Seth Rogem wasn’t involved.