What is the root of low female participation in FGC tournies

What’s wrong with my opinion?

Tournaments are a 1000 times better places than stream chats.

ninalax: haha oh shit
Crucify_ultradavid: NINA I WANT YOU TO FART ON MY FACE

The fuck is going on in that stream chat?

1 woman and 3000 virgins

its because theyre fighting games, most women arent interested simply because of what they are. most women arent competitive and just want to hang out with close friends, or goto a party because they can get drunk and use that as an excuse for having sex.


An enlightened perspective.



Couldn’t the same be applied for other competitive games, like FPS games and such? I don’t know of/see many females playing those as well, and most times some of the FPS games (like Halo or Call of Duty) are less complex than even the simpler fighting games.

It’s an issue with gaming as a whole. There are a lot of dumb, piss easy console games that aren’t competitive made for men too. Like most JRPGs.

Males of all species are hard wired for competition, a man wants to prove he’s the strongest so he will have access to the best food and mates. Prehistoric man or animals will kill each other over food or mates, that’s one kind of competition, but since we’re more evolved and more civilized we think of other ways to achieve this hierarchy (sports, games, etc).

Females on the other hand don’t have this competitive instinct, their instinct is to nurture and protect, and the best way they know how to protect is by choosing the strongest male (aka the ones who win competitions).

This thread has me seriously reconsidering my decision to travel to more tournaments

Hella misogyny in here.

We should all live in caves and go back to tribalism. Fuck Civilization.

Female posts in this thread and is generally afraid of going into tournament due to the misogyny talk in this thread.

Is it obvious now?

this is a great thread

so glad i came here

fgd never disappoints

Last call, fuckheads.

90% of these guys probably not go to tournies