What is the proper way to hold the joystick if I am a ken, ryu, akuma user?

What is the proper way to hold the joystick if I am a ken, ryu, akuma user ?

pics please …


The one that works for you. People’s hand sizes vary, and it depends a little on whether you’ve got a ball or bat top and so on.
(Yeah, he uses charge characters, but the point is: figure out what works and use that.)
Daigo advises playing with the stem of the stick between pinky and ring fingers, and the fingers curled around the ball. Search the forums for ‘stick grip’ and ‘wineglass’ for more info.

Arcade Stick 101 - English

This should be moved to the Newbie Saikyo Dojo.

Also please don’t pick akuma in ST, it’s a great way to lose friends and alienate enemies (see lastscene)

There is no proper way to hold it, if it is a sanwa/seimetsu then try the wineglass, the ergonomics is there and you can pull off DPs normally. You can have (1) your index and middle fingers on top, and ring and pinky on the bottom, OR (2) index middle and ring on the top, pinky on the bottom, I personally alternate between the two depending on the situation.

Not to be a creep but here’s an example from daigo himself [media=youtube]0NvS4bwocJk[/media]