I don’t know if the more popular sticks have an option, but my Dragonball Z collector edition stick made by Nuby (yeah it’s my first stick) has it so you can switch joystick modes from Analog (“L-stick”) to Digital (“D-Pad”). I have noticed one mode is better, more fluid, than the other. I just don’t know which mode that is since there’s no indicator.
Also I’d like to know which mode is the standard on MadCatz/Hori sticks.
Thanks for all help.
The MadCatz sticks have a selector to switch between L or R analog sticks or Dpad.
Ah I see. Which mode is better? and wouldn’t switching to R analog make the stick useless?
as far as i can tell, there is no absolutely no difference. it’s there for use with other games and functions. not just for street fighter 4.
actually there’s a difference at least on my stick. I noticed when typing a message on PSN using the stick that one mode should I press down then right (in a fireball motion), will do just that. but then the other mode will do down-right-up, essentially going to the letter on the right of the last one I was on.