What is j.fap

I saw it in the Juri thread and can’t find it’s meaning anywhere.

Thanks for the help

j.fap>jump foward fierce

Oh okay thanks a bunch :slight_smile:

How does Jump Forward Fierce Punch manage to get abbreviated as j.fap? "J.Fap sounds like something I’d say about the kids in High school that spend all day declaring the superiority of Japanese animation and culture over all others.

Wouldn’t J.Fwd HP be easier to understand?

That or flying masturbation.

that’s how I read it.

When I saw the title, I thought this was just a troll thread. But they refer to jumping forward fierce as jumping fap? lol

You guys have no right to use J.Faps anywhere except in the Juri forums. J.Faps is a typo’d typo.

Magus1234 was talking about using ?j.fp as? something, but he typed it as ?j.fpas?. I don’t remember who said it, but someone said that it means J.Faps. We started using it since then.

It started talking about Juri, it stays talking about Juri. It wouldn’t make any sense anywhere else.

Also, if you are in the Juri forum, J.FP can ONLY be referred to as J.Faps.

Even in the stickys, with, of course no explanation…

Toilet humour, shitting on standard notation because having an excuse to say fap as much as possible rocks. :cool:

Why wouldn’t you say j.HP

The move is f+HP while jumping not HP while jumping.

lol no the move is just J.HP. A.k.a J.Faps.

I need to lay off the intoxicants :smiley:

I tried to ask this question on gamefaqs but the censor would not allow me to post “faps” lol

jumping forward and punch

air jerk FTW

Folks, we present to you the newest srk meme.

im gonna be J.Fapping in your sistaz buttocks.

This happened to be the first thing that crossed my mind when I read the title… LOL