I’d say Kasumi-Suzaku. You can make some tricky set-up’s with it, it also works well i nkiller combos, good chip damage & alot of bar to work with.
Kasumi. Without a high amount of EX bar, Ibuki becomes all that more limited, which is a bad thing for such an (as I percieve) underpowered character.
her best is SA1, but I have a friend that doesnt have a good Ibuki, but without realizing it, he had ALOT of setups for SA2, as close c.hp, which will miss crouching characters, but instintively you block i mean, grab wont work and jump either, coz you will get hit by c.hp or you could hit her with c.lk or something, but if you block, he does SA2, POOF
Well I have been playing with Ibuki a lot more lately to just setup comboes and such rather than just, SAI, go through the game rinse repeat. I find SA2 just isnt good at all seeing as it limits Ibuki to using almost no EX moves, you must be close, and if you whiff it leaves you open for SO long. Also it takes forever to charge up. SA3, however, I find myself using much more often as it comes out FAST and has very good range. It’s almost unpunishable when whiffed and charges super fast. I usually get 2 per round.
Kasumi for sure. It’s a lot of power and tricky as well.