What if there were games that had

[list][]Normals that could all be cancelled into specials, specials that could all be cancelled into EX specials, and EX specials that could all be cancelled into supers. DP > EX a.tatsu > a.super = a DP cancelled into an EX air tatsu for a rising air tatsu, cancelled into an air super.
]Normals that could be whiff-cancelled into EX specials, and specials that could be whiff-cancelled into supers.[/list]
[]Easy, wide-margin, but meter-negative rather than meter-positive parries.
]And cheap roman cancels.[/list][/list]

[list][]Shenanigans with provisional damage.
]Safe, unblockable attacks, but which inflict no hitstun and deal only provisional damage.
[]Attacks that deal provisional damage to the user in lieu of meter costs.
]Very powerful attacks that cause the user lots of provisional damage to be used as finishing moves (you don’t need to worry about provisional damage if your opponent is dead!)
[*]No meter mechanic at all, just self-inflicted provisional damage.[/list][/list]

[]Free but stuffable alpha counters.
]Many multi-hitting attacks to stuff said alpha counters.
[]Unstuffable non-free alpha counters.
]Specials, probably charged ones, whose entire point is to be used as alpha counters, free and stuffable or otherwise.[/list]

[]Attacks that can all be cancelled at any time but cause less damage and hitstun if they are cancelled (you didn’t follow through with the punch).
]Attacks that instead of being stuffed, cause less damage and hitstun and delay the hitstun from the incoming attack until after the outgoing attack is finished, effectively adding recovery frames to the outgoing attack.
[list][*]Attacks that can be stuffed by more powerful attacks, but behave like the above if interrupted by weaker ones.