What if SF2 was released now?

Despite i like to fight against you, and we have fun everytime we come across, i have to disagree with this ^

GGPO chatrooms are full of assholes, and there´s a “ignore feature” for that reason, but that´s not enough, PSN and XBL both platforms has better rep and blocking assholes, because of that, and you can complain if someone is really stupid and annoying.

GGPO is abandoned, too bad for that place cause is a nice free choice to play.

There are a lot of trolls, yes. But I guess unless if you feed the troll, they eventually stop.

I came across two kids that talk shit to me after they lost to tick throws / cross up knee bash, etc.

I just told them to learn the game instead of complaining others being cheap. They talk some more shits but after I ignored them, they quiet down.

I guess maybe I’m old so I don’t react to other’s verbal abuse that much. I can understand that if two were begin to shit talk and no one back down, this will continue on for a while.

Of all the people besides those two that I mentioned, I have had very pleasant experience with everyone else on GGPO. It might be due to the fact that I always greet the other player the first time I play with them, and try to start a casual conversation if it is indeed ggs.

Yeah on GGPO I guess the biggest offender is “XdestroyY”, who always stirs things up. But fact is that he is pretty skilled and can beat quite a number of people on GGPO, so I guess he liked to gloat a “little”. Every time he starts a flame war, I just ignore him.

But if I ever become strong enough to beat him, I’ll try to verbal abuse him too :slight_smile:

Take it easy.


The game would be my favorite thats for sure lol.

You’re exaggerating the skill gap between two players. Of course if you’re dumb enough to jump in all day you’re gonna eat DP over and over.

You can’t deny that SF4 very much helps weaker players compete with stronger players. The threat of you mashing reversal DP can make someone who gained momentum on you back down, allowing you to make more mistakes. When you get knocked down, you fucked up. If you fuck up, you should pay for it. A game with a stronger emphasis on defense isn’t necessarily bad, but if it does so by helping you when you’ve fallen down, you have a shitty game.