This is just something that discussions with friends have got me thinking about, and is purely speculative. Please be gentle.
Many times I’ve come across people who say that they’d be perfectly willing to give up her ability to become Dark Phoenix in exchange for more health, for example, or having non-transforming Phoenix as a selectable alternate character. I can perfectly understand why people would find that such a concept attractive, seeing as she already has so much going for her as a character if health is taken out of the equation: effective versatility with both keepaway and rushdown tactics, probably the best teleport in the game, two useful hypers etc. Paired with a health bar of 800,000 (or most likely a little less) I somehow see players taking interest in a less extreme risk-reward playstyle with an already effective character on paper.
So what I bring to the table is this to speculate on: what opinions do you all have on the prospect of Phoenix playing less like Phoenix and more like the MvC3 equivalent of Seth, except way better?