What happened to the "godlike training mode"?

Sucks that the training mode is not up to par. I was looking forward to a hitbox display of some sort but nope can’t have that…

I was expecting more from the training mode. I asked for more from the training mode. Can anything be done? Can we get an improved training mode of the quality we can get in other games?


Mike Z is the hero.

Not exactly pertaining to training mode, but something that is pretty “wtf” is the fact that even if you do a trial perfectly, occasionally one of the moves wouldn’t register even though it’s obvious you did it right according to the combo counter and what not.


I have to admit, that’s what I was thinking when I pre-ordered it. Once I got the game, “Take my money Capcom” went to “Why Capcom, Why?!”

Don’t get me wrong, though. It’s basically still the same 3rd Strike we all know and love. It’s just some issues that once you get passed by/used to, it’s a good game.