What happened to all the SRK Phantom Dust players!? This game is still alive and according to this site I sequal is in the works.
Does anyone else still play this?
I do. The site in that link holds online tournaments and I’m currently competing in the Tag-Team event. If there are any Phantom Dust players left at SRK, ya’ll should definately check it out.
It was well recieved but only by those who found it. The only thing that killed the game was the limited release. Gamestops averages about 2-3 compiers per store.
The game is far from dead though. People still play online everyday.
Shouldn’t be too hard to find soon. Microsoft is about to make the full game downloadable from the marketplace.
I actually bought this game a long time ago hearing it was good and never played it. I feel ashamed. I might just go find it and load it up just for the sake of playing it.