What exactly is footsies?

kang i have trouble hitting back bison when he miss lk siccor.I am rock btw ,unless it was mk siccor i couldnt hit them back. wtf am i doing wrong?

Im not sure I agree with you here… can you clarify what you mean?

lk scissor kick is so hard to hit back. just use the counter or roll as he uses the scissor kick. Don’t retaliate vs Bison scissor kick you be fine, but be ready for his throw moves you may get one of bison tactics.

c.MK should do the job, or c.LK, c.MK. when he lands close use c.MP or close s.MK

Pick one of The Beast of Hades’ S-groove characters and do some crazy charges.

Hey Kang…thanks for that info, thats some good stuff right there. Check out my sig.

just thought i’d bump this as its the best thread in the subject ive found so far and some beginners might be interested in it’s contents, and its old as hell so finding it might be a prob 4 some as well as any new would always at least be a good read… enjoy

footsies is how well you understand the game

I agree, not only is it one of the most important parts of the games for set ups etc, I think it shows how much you get a feeling for the game and know who has advantages at what range, recently ive been using sagat, blanka and rolento, rolento is HUGE on pokes and footsies, and if you annoy your opponent, thats the win already, its a thing you gotta have patience for, so in othe rwords, I wouldnt play footsies with ken, ken is not the type of character to be patient with, IMO hes a rush down character.

The entire concept is “if I do A, the opponent always seems to do B. How can I make him think I am going to do A, but instead I do C?”.

Works like that in every game for the most part. The term “footsies” has become meaningless nowadays because it has just become a blanket term for any strategy.

footsies is little itty bitty feets

honda doesnt play footsies, he steam rolls you with RCs.

buktooth, that evo match with you vs honda was scary.

honda rc’ed thru every damn thing. i especially like that wake up 360.

I died a little inside watching Honda handle Morrigan like that… No mixup games for her when he can just RC 360 and RC hands all day when she gets close : (

RC Hands > RC Elec?

RC legs > my hands

as far as this game goes,

footsies is walking backward and forward for 20 secs doing nothing. and holding back.

don’t try to deny it, you can call it a strong ground game, or make it appear to be deeper, but it really is whiff punishing/baiting, or just waiting, playing safe.

Sounds like Klingon

rc spark and rc hurricane kick > all