My Ken vs Bison Groundgame Breakdown
(I’m using C-Ken)
Bison wants to walk up and far s.MK you
Effective counters:
-whiff s.LP’s shut him down completely
Bison can beat your jabs with a d.HK, but he’s taking a great risk for doing so. Good Bison players obviously know better, but don’t be suprised if a masher ever does this to your Ken.
-d.MK will keep him from advancing
Ken’s d.MK range is compareable to Bison’s s.MK range, but the speed is nearly twice as fast (4 frame startup vs Bison’s 9 frame startup). You’ll stuff Bison’s startup when you do your d.MK correctly.
-midrange qcf+HP. Bison can’t advance on your when there’s a Hadouken he needs to avoid first.
Poor counters:
-d.MP will lose cleanly to Bison’s far s.MK every time. The hitboxes just plain don’t match up in Ken’s favor. Plus Bison’s far s.MK outranges Ken’s d.MP significantly in the first place.
-far s.LK loses cleanly.
-far s.HK will stop Bison if it makes contact, however given Bison’s fast walk speed and Ken’s extremely long recovery time, I feel this is a very poor choice to keep Bison from poking you. Far s.HK should be used for punishing whiffs only.
Be careful:
-whiff RC fancy kick. If Bison has full CC meter and you’re whiffing RC kicks right in front of his face (to try and keep him from walking up and poking with s.MK), Bison can CC, slide you for absolutely free. Ken’s foot will be fully extended during the CC flash, and he will be unable to block the subsequent Bison slide xx death.
Bison is mashing on d.MK
Close/Midrange counter:
-far s.HK will beat Bison cleanly. Be cafeful Bison doesn’t go for roll, throw when your far s.HK is out there though.
-d.HK. I don’t do this very often, but just know that it’s possible to sweep Bison’s limb.
Midrange counter:
-f+HK. Be careful that you’re not so close that you’ll be stuffed though. In all those cases, you should of pressed far s.HK instead.
Half screen counter:
-qcf+HP. Keep feeding Hadoukens to Bison’s face until he realizes he should be blocking or going for something else instead of mashing all day.
Stop the Scissors Kick
ALWAYS pay attention to whether Bison is charged or not. Try your best to stay within range of the two hit Scissors Kick at all times. If you’re not within range, you ideally want a Hadouken on the screen so Bison can’t do the random Scissors. Jab Hadouken is best from full screen away. Fierce version is better at footsies range. Whenever Ken blocks the two hit Scissors, he gets a free d.MK poke. It doesn’t matter that the damage isn’t that great. What matters is that Bison isn’t hitting you, but you’re hitting him.
Punish two hit scissors
-d.MK xx level 3 Shippu
-level 2 punch super
-far s.LK xx fancy kick (be careful that you’re not out of range)
Bison’s d, u+P move
Shotos have a hard time against this move actually. I have a couple notes for fighting it though.
-The book says the move is +/-0 on the block. That gives the impression that Bison is almost always safe. NOT TRUE. Go for a d.MK with Ken after anytime you block this move. Bison is almost always at negative something.
-roll, dp+HP is the prefered counter(?)
I mess this up more often than I land it, but I’m pretty sure this is the best Ken can do to counter Bison’s d, u+P.
edit: Oh yeah, it’s really important that you discourage Bison from using RC scissors kick on you all day first before you’re going to start using Hadouken a lot. I walk forward and block a lot so Bison knows that if he does RC, I’m going to block and he’s going to get hit.