What entitles Anime style?

I’ve drawn a bunch of random things, and I do believe that my own style is pretty much my own ya know. But some people have said that some of my pictures were straight up anime, though to me it’s just my own style. So, what entitles anime? spikey hair, big eyes? i’m just curious. I feel that whenever I draw any kind of hero no matter what people think it’s anime style. I could probably trace an xmen and someone would call it anime style…

post some of your stuff.

Samurai’s, Punks, Sexy Spies, all those elements and more can be intertwined with anime. Take it as an compliment and continue your way of drawing…you shouldn’t focus on little things that aren’t an extreme issue.

What matters is your viewpoint of style.

I don’t have my scanner/artbook here with me. If I whip anything up i’ll be sure to digitally send it to myself or something. But it’s only like the detailed drawings I do, my favotire stuff to do is little comicsy stuff like my avatar.

Depends on who you ask. Artists who hate anime usually mean generic, unoriginal, uninspired Japanese influenced art. I know people who make a distinction between “Anime” and “Manga.” It’s usually rooted in some sort of belief that manga is a less popular and thus a more respectable style.

Personally, anime for me equals something that’s obviously anime influenced.

i agree in that it really depends. i think a lot of us have grown up influenced GREATLY by animated shows and comics, either japanese or american. i know i for one started off copying images of anime and manga and video game characters. but the more you try to find your own style and keep drawing, you’ll see yourself grow away from there little by little. but it really all depends on how, why, and what you want to draw.

I dunno about you guys but to me it usually looks like anime if you don’t put that line on the back of the nose… You guys know what I’m talking about?.. :looney:

Actually, many buff or otherwise manly anime characters have this. Hell, even some animes with slightly more realistic art styles, such as Fist of the North Star, do.

Huge fucking tits.

every anime person looks like a damn model…and when they are black they have like big red lips (racist bitches). also crazy stuff like expressions (usually exaggerated), big tits, and my fav, cool white hair!!!

It usually entitles with the generic big eyes.

i support this

Yeah I agree. Everyone is really really good looking. Too bad none of them have the magnum pose down. For now it’s only latigra and blue steel.

ooooo hot damn! lol

that was not lost on me…not lost at all.


oh, and those crazy eyes. the ones that omar dogan draws for the sakura legends covers…those hypnotizing eyes

who called for meh.

Delicious flat chest owns big tits in the eyesocket.




if you like fuckin sandpaper maybe

As long as you can A. draw, and B. do not fill your drawings with anime cliches, I think you’re in th clear. For examples of what not to do, look at the majority of Tokyo Pop releases by american artists.


Manga style to me is big eyes, pointy nose, exaggerated features, girly boys, and minimal details. Or course there are exceptions, there are a lot of mangas that have none of those things.