What does Gill always say at the beginging of the fight in SFIII?

What does Gill always say at the beginging of the bossfight against him in SFIII?

Starlight DNA?

What does that suppose to mean?

And what is the name of his sexy secretary?

IIRC Gill says: “The mark of my dignity shall scar thy DNA” or something like that.

The woman’s name is Kolin.

Also during the seraphin wing he apparently says “let me be the blesser of all souls”.

Damn Gill is a cool mother f’er.

And in SF3 Next Generation he says “Welcome to your death” before you ask.

“The mark of my dignity shall scar thy DNA”

I thought it was ‘deity’ instead of ‘dignity’.

It’s dignity, he says the whole sentence clearly enough. I’m surprised people didn’t catch it.

He also says that for his other Super (can’t remember the name of it… the one that causes all of the Fire and Ice balls to fly down from the sky at you) in Third Strike.

Destiny makes more sense than dignity, and it sound like destiny.

I always thought it was “divinity,” but it sounds more and more like “dignity” the more I hear it.

No shit.

End this thread, it’s dignity.

there’s only 3 syllables so it can’t be divinity.

Yeah? I thought he said “Let me rule the world” But yes Gill is a samn cool idea for an end boss. His new voice in Third Strike sounds WAY more badass than in the previous versions.

thread should have ended on 2nd post, it’s dignity



it is dignity but deity makes more sense but what do you expect with jap to english translations if they could get them right we would all have played monkey kong and all your bases wouldn’t belong to us

No, dignity makes just as much sense. Think a little.:arazz:

What is Gill suppose to be? He’s weird, half red and blue…

What is Gill suppose to be? He’s weird, half red and blue…

I always thought he said, " The mark of my Deity shall scar thy DNA"

Definitely deity.

It’s fucking dignity. If you disagree, you’re wrong.
