What do you "See" in posters here?

Didn’t want to out you as the furry you know yourself to be:

Pic got snapbacked, he looked like


WTF, where you get that from?

Seriously, where did you get that?
Damn, that was a long ass time ago.

Yeah, I thought he was a typical white dude until saw in a thread somewhere that he lives in Scotland and saw a random picture of his chest? Fairly dark if I remember correctly.

Maybe it was another user, but there seriously wasn’t shit in the room. :rofl:

Since he among others brought Hokuto no Ken to my attention I see him as buff as fuck.


WTF Mixah is Hitler?

I see Purple Bunny as Roy Batty.

Carpet Lint is his av.

BIGWORM is BIGWORM, obviously.

Ahh, the stache, I see what you did.

I would like to know WhereTheFuckAkumaHax is from, nobody that lives in America could have English that bad.

Exodus is Matt Murdock if he was never blinded, no super powers, and works weekends at a pizza place.

I picture Angry Liberal as Tobias from arrested Development
Kromo is the girl in his av, a very mean and trippy and doped version of her
Carpet Lint is his AV
WTF_AKUMA_HAX is some sort of sentient spambot
Azure is Thouther
Half_Ro is Kenshiro

I have some bad news for you…

Havatchu looks like the asymmetrical busted bitch he used as his last avatar, only shorter and less manly.
Redbeard has always been the ginger Rick Ross for some reason.
Rabbit looks just like what Vynce said.
B. Perkins wears skinny jeans.
Vynce is Iori.
R. Bogart is Idris Elba.
Val is Batman.
Boel is a grizzly bear that grew thumbs so it can post on SRK.
The Epidemic matches his avatar so well, I’m guessing a little shorter though.
Carpet Lint is an asian who always has the Wolverine hair spike.


because he puts pics in spoilers



I’m perfectly okay with people thinking I’m my avatar and I feel like I shouldn’t be.

You are def one of those guys that is their AV. I imagine you go around the interwebs give people epic thumbs up everywhere you go, like some kind of feel good superman. You’r likes are some of da bess!

This is how I view Specs in my head.


Put pics in spoilers because I have some sense, most of the time not to blow up huge posts. Actually stay smart with that lest I get the WRATH of AYO?!

And then you guys post walls of quotes with a 1 line reply, or youtubes quoted, and other crazy crap mess up a whole page & make it hard to scroll anyway… All in vain.

Check your topic title, again. Ugay.

Sorry, Time To Write Sentences Like A Doofus When Nobody Teaches Caps Every Word Ever

And Line Break A Hundred More Times - Doing THAT SHIT AFTER QUOTES MAKING POSTS HUGE


Your momma.

I think Azure was a bad influence on you, because you didn’t used to do that this bad. Weenie whiteman, probably look like Powder. :bluu:

I picture you as your avatar.

It’s funny how nobody thinks I’m naturally a bronze-bodied, superbuff PurpleNinja

brb weeping in the corner

Once again, reverse trap?

This made me laugh. Not as smart as Yogi though…perhaps BooBoo?

After the La Roux thing I was like this nigga is anything BUT what you just described :rofl:

Yogi’s a fucking moron, what you on about?