What do you "See" in posters here?

I totally agree with this, BP will be always be (for me) Phil Ken Sebben

My avatar is actually me when you piss me off. (Really I cut my beard off a photo of myself and shopped it onto Hulk.) Anybody who’s been in the facial hair thread has seen me.

Matriarch I always picture naked making out with another chick.
Havatchu looks like a tall skinny manwoman. DUDE LOOKS LIKE A LADY.
RockB is Michael Clark Duncan as Kingpin.
Goody is Brandon Routh as Clark Kent.
Valaris is Ron Weasley.
Vynce is a ginger Justin Timberlake.
MadLib is Buffalo Bill.
Shaft Agent is Gary Coleman.
Ben Perkins is Prince.
Million is Mayuri Kurotsuchi… or MODOK. Undecided.
Hecatom is dude in his avatar.
Kromo is the girl in his avatar.

DaRabidDuckie is Nick Fury. Probably the only one of you I’ve met IRL.

I wonder if Valaris is still the whitest kid on SRK?
Him and Stuart Hayden are the only GD members I’ve met IRL at EVO.

Every other player just seems to stay away from this section :rofl:

you guys already know how i look like so…

Ive seen a lot of posters in real life via years of going to tournaments… you will be shocked at what you see. though a few posters here in GD i wish would come out to a tourny cause i would love to see if the online persona matches the real life…

Since @Valaris took me off his Facebook, I can’t find the picture…
But every time I think about him, I think of that picture of him laying on the hotel bed, captioned “Paint me like you paint your French girls”

and this:


Mine, does not.

I bet you’re gonna be the whitest cat ever. You’re gonna be a dude rocking Banana Republic, eating a Ceasar Salad and washing it down with a bottle of Bartles and Jaymes while you update your facebook with your new iPhone.:rofl:

I heard this guy Viscant looks as cute as he feels.

I dunno, I picture Rabbit2k7 as this skinny little prick of a dude with a dumb hair cut, emo glasses and stupid guages in his ear, probably listens to dumb music like CHC. I bet he’s the type of dumb ass who would get a Tattoo.


Hey fuck you my haircut is normal guy haircut.

I’ve always pictures him as Sagat after that whole thing with his eye made front page and the picture for it was, well, Sagat.

DaRabidDuckie still has his eyebrows so he is Nick Fury


I rock BR all day…whats good son!? Fuck iphones tho…overpriced trash

I look exactly like my AV, true story. I usually picture people as their AV unless I know them. When I saw what fish, val, and GM looked like IRL, I was not shocked at all. They look like their online personas IMO.

edit: Boel too, but he’s even sexier than you can imagine…

-Azure: a bit tall, lean, and ethnically ambiguous. An 8.5+

-RS3: strong and clean-cut; typical New England grown-man status.

-Hotobu: Craig David with dreads and Zero’s helmet/sword

-Shaft Agent: Hispanic guy that calls all of his friends “nigga” regardless of their race. Shit. Eating. Grin.

-angelpalm: good-looking, big black dude.

-Ben Perkins: Ermac from MK

-Rabbit2k7: slightly below average height, handsome borderline metro. The kind of guy I’d have perceived as a threat while single.

I’ll post more. I couldn’t include anyone whose pictures I’ve actually seen.

Surprised nobody’s putting what they think I look like up.

btw, yes, I just crucified myself, no?

Seen you, brah.

Jabhadoken looks like Sgt. Slaughter with a Flash cap.

Angelpalm I imagine looking like kid Loki from recent comics creating discord wherever he posts.

Rabbit looks like Andy Samberg.

Azure looks like the lead singer from Maroon 5.

bkfst_sausage looks like Mila Jovavich without the soda can nipples.

Or Albert Wesker with sideburns. :rofl:


Redbeards thinks I’m on that Benimaru shit.

As I’ve said before I’m pretty short.