What do you guys think about my team / MM

I use MM/IM/cykes as my team. To me MM is not really a dynamic player but he can be really affective. His size makes it great to duck uner beams and even being able to avoid a beam super even if he is in it’s path (only when right next to opponent). his dash is slow so you will have to work on getting close and if you cant then sit back and throw some tornadoe holds and HP fireball. What i also like to do is attack while holding down HP then releasing it when your opponent tries to run away. My favorite move is c.lk c.lk c.RH XX HCC. To me this is a awesome move because when MM transforms, he knocks the guy up off the ground. Then IM’s PC is use more less as a vacuum to keep the guy in place and complet desrtion happens. With all 3 of yourteamates out, it will take about 75% of your opponents life.

WHat do you guys think? I know im a noob so you dont have to remind me and also I know of more MM moves but these are some moves or tactics that i have not seen posted ( I think)

well i’m no expert but ill say a couple brief words…
for one thing, switching between all 3 characters hyper combos seems to b a waste to me… u might want to save meter for when u need to switch out, then use it…
as for tactics u might want to work on things like resets and his triple option… i really dont feel like going into details, especially since i havent really played mm in a while, but u can easily look thru previous threads to find info…
as for the team itself… mm/im/cyke… hmm thinks well it seems alright on paper… kind of an interesting blend… quite frankly, if it works for u, keep using it… r u using im aaa and cyke aaa? i dunno, but i assume im aaa can lead to some interesting setups, and cyke aaa is always nice… a lot of ppl try to play keepaway using mm/blackheart or mm/cap.com.- but again, just because other ppl use him this way doesnt mean u should… especially since it sounds like u use mm to rushdown…
those r just some brief thoughts… im kinda tired so i cant think of wat else to say… ask more specific q’s if u need more advice… laterz