What do I need from Kaimana to work with Brook PS4+ ver2?

Working on a custom build and I’m getting a parts list ready. I’m using the PS4+ Ver2 with USB B as my PCB and I’m wondering which version of the Kaimana LED driver do I need. Thanks guys!

This is what you need. Buy some extra J2s and connectors just incase you need extra length or break a J2.

Thank you! Do you know what extra wiring I need for the joysticks or other parts? IS that kit all of the wiring I need minus extra wires for more J2’s? Sorry for all the questions, thanks!

If you dont plan on using an LED for your Joystick, then the link I posted is perfect for you if youre only planning on only lighting up 8 buttons. If you want to light more up, then you would have to buy more J2 and the correct length connectors. Since the connectors are cheap, buy a couple of each length so you have some back ups just incase if its not long enough. Like I said before, buy some extra J2s as well. They are pretty easy to break if youre not careful enough.