What do i do from here?

hi, im new to the game, and i pickd ibuki as my main.
i picked things up pretty quickly, i have her vortex down, blockstrings are good, etc.
I plan on playing this game competitively, so im trying to learn as much as i can but after all this, i dont know what to learn next to advance my ibuki to the next level. and then what do i learn after that?
basically, I am just trying to figure out what the next step is to get my ibuki where she needs to be in order to perform at high levels. also, i dont have anyone to play, online or offline because i cant find anyone and i dont know where to go. any tips/help/advice would be greatly appreciated.

P.S. is there a list of some sort of all of ibuki’schar specific punishes, or do i have to go into training mode with every char and figure it out for myself?

Please make sure not to create too much threads, there are already a lot of sticked threads here and unless you have a fully new subject, you should stick to the sticked :slight_smile:

Anyway, check the Ibuki checklist:


Also, check this spreadsheet for character specific stuff:

Punishes depend a lot on your distance from character. The best one so far imho is st.MP st.MP st.MK xx neckbreakern but you’d have to be close to the opponent. Otherwise don’t forget that with Ibuki, you are usually better if you go for an untechable knockdown instead of max damage. I punish a lot of stuff just with st.MK Tsumuji, and start a vortex afterwards, works fine.

Actually, MingoDynasty’s new thread is amazing. He includes a link to, basically, a book about playing to win. Extremely in-depth and a very, very good read.

Pretty much Damascus covered all your bases with those links, but I have a few questions.

If you want to play this game competitively, how is it you don’t have anyone to play online or offline? Do you mean that you don’t know anybody online to help you train, or that you don’t actually have access to play on xbox live or psn? Your best bet is to find some local competition by going through the regional forums and meet up with people close to you and play some casual sessions and some tournaments. That’s a pretty quick way to level you up and expose your weaknesses/strengths in your playstyle.

Keep in mind that despite the abundance of hand-fed information available about Ibuki on these forums, none of it matters if you don’t get out and play people. Learning training mode combos is all good and fun, but setting up those combos are the most difficult aspect of her play, and is easily the most neglected part of her play for any new Ibuki player.