What controller do you guys use to play this game? I dont get this game :(

I know this is an old thread but I’m hoping the discussion in this forum will pick up.

Wii Mote is terrible, it’s pre-programmed so that five year olds can get a Smash Brothers experience out of an otherwise deep title, play with a GC/Classic controller at the very least.

I use this - http://store.gameshark.com/viewItem.asp?idProduct=4736&idCategory=253

Best on the market for the Wii, it’s great with GG-X2AC+, the only other fighter really worth looking at on the Wii.

HORI released an official Nintendo peripheral fight stick, it’s pretty nice despite it’s basic appearance, but you don’t see it around much. I got one cheap imported before I replaced it with the Madcatz one, here is a random image I pulled of it.

I use an unmodified Madcatz Tatsunoko vs. CAPCOM Arcade Stick. Technically not offiicial Nintendo but at least Capcom USA approved it. Curious to see how the Japanese EXAR TvC arcade stick plays like.

Yeah, I prefer the Madcatz TvC stick also. I bought that Exar TvC stick & returned it the next day. Buttons were pretty nice (hit or miss if you get Sanwa microswitches) & joystick has Omron switches too. However, I couldn’t stand the fact it was way too light (2.09-pounds!). Thought about swapping with a JLF but it’d be a PITA though not impossible. The Madcatz TvC stick weights more than the Exar stick…inside it’s retail box! And it’s much easier to swap out parts.

BTW, not a big fan of the Hori FS Wii. It’s atrocious especially when you can get the Madcatz for around the same price (brand new) on eBay. Just saying!

Reposting this from another thread on SRK:

I checked but non left here in Southern California. What a find, thanks SaeQuo for finding this.

I use a Madcatz TvC stick that I easily modded with all Sanwa parts of course. In my opinion the stock parts are 0k, but they do feel rather cheap. Honestly, I didn’t really have so much of a problem with the stock buttons as much as I had a problem with the stock stick. I just couldn’t get the response I was use to with higher quality parts. With that being said, the stock parts are definitely playable. It was just my preference to upgrade. I’ve owned mines since TvC’s release and man does it feel silky smooth when I play.

I use a Classic Controller Pro.
It’s a bit strange, but I like it.

I’m not expecting any quick replies to this post but here goes nothing I guess. There’s a bunch of guys trying to start a scene for this game in an area close to me. Since I’m one of the top Marvel players in the country I kinda promised to try and help them out. Is there any way to use a PS3/360 controller for this game without modding the said controller? I feel that having a few of these adapter would really help to get people to try this game out.

my reply wasn’t quick enough but you can use the GameCube Joybox PS2 to Gamecube converter on the Wii. For PS2 controllers obviously, not exactly a PS3 controller but close enough.