thanks in advance :).
for shoto style char you can choose andy, kyo, ex iori, robert
Any Shoto character. There’s almost 12 of them. If you want to be a cheap ass tier-whore start off with the 3 DLC characters.
Seriously, fuck Mr. Karate.
lol thanks
I started with King. Good normals and easy to learn hit-confirms and BnB’s. Defense is not the best so she forces you to learn to control spacing. She has good jumps and hops and a decent cross-up. No useful HD combos so no need to worry about HD with her. She should be on point anyway. She is good enough that after you learn KoF basics you can keep using her. No need to drop her from your line up unless you want to.
dont forget to learn basic Rock Paper Scissors system of KOF
- hops > low attacks, standing attacks > hops, and low attacks > standing attacks.
- throw > guard, attacks > throw, and guard > attacks.
- throw > roll, attacks > throw, and roll > attacks.
thank you for the comment i fount it very helpful :).
I also started with King… she is a good character to learn fundamentals with.
To stretch a few points -
According to JuiceboxAbel (now known as JuiceboxKing)
the BEST characters to start the game off with would be Andy, Terry, and Shen in that order. Billy is arguably a good character to play for beginners as well.
Keep an eye out for his streams so that you can learn more about KOFXIII - there are also very good guides to observe and utilize such as the SRK KOFXIII wiki, Dream Cancel, Orochinagi - JuiceboxKing, Sparkster, Desmond Delaghetto, Laban, and many other top players as of now are currently going out of there way to showcase how to play KOFXIII.
For Andy; you’ll be making use zoning and spacing fundamentals.
Terry; you will learn how to make wise use of normal moves and special moves all together.
As for Shen, you should learn how to utilize normal moves, command grabs, and different utilities for special moves.
Def EX (dlc) Iori. Kyo, Takuma, and Terry aren’t bad either. Or the other shoto-type characters (e.g. Ryo) as aforementioned.
I’ve seen the word shoto used a lot with kof. What does this mean?
Ok I’ll tell you straight up. Start with the characters you find interesting. Don’t pick a team just because they are easy to use, pick a team that you will stick with and learn. That’s more important than anything right now.
Even with some of the more technically demanding characters there are slacker combos to be found that can get you started long enough until you are comfortable to move on to the more challenging material.
There aren’t any characters so terrible you can’t use them. All the characters are good at what they do.