There are a couple moves I have trouble countering with Ken. I am wondering what the best option is after a block.
Urien’s knee drop - ex and regular
Urien’s tackle - ex and regular
Urien’s crouching mp where he slides with an elbow to your face (don’t know if it is safe or not - doesn’t look like it)
Yes, I know a few ways to counter these (except ex knee drop) but they are probably not the most damaging ways (sweep, etc).
anyways, for a knee drop, i like to do a i catch him in the air or something since he bounces off u
after a tackle i ALWAYS do double L.shoryu
after i like to do a or something or maybe a to connect with a Jinrai
Thanks for the tips guys. I am not sure what purpose back dashing would serve though kazamei - can you elaborate? backdashing into mp/fp target combo doesnt seem that effective, considering you must be at close range.
the way i do it with ken…
1)his regular knee drop should be slow enough for you to wait for it and fp shoryuken…the ex- block then walk forward super or srk…(i wouldnt recommend dashing back because if you time it wrong then you’re gonna get caught so its safer to block and follow up)
2)regular tackle…most of the time people who charge partition will catch you by suprise then grab you afterward or something else(l.fp) so just be ready to grab or if your quick enough, xx super or,s.lp,lp srk
3)most people wont use this…only when they would need to gain range on you or if you’re in the corner being concerned about an aegis reflector…so block then,mp srk xx super…
most moves people will catch you by suprise cuz no player should just make it obvious and WALK back then tackle…so against urien unless you figure out the way he plays for you to counter just do damage little by little and be safe…urien can do a lot of damage off a l.fp so you should use caution
Wow, what’s going on in here? None of the answers match the questions, unless these '06ers think a headbutt is a tackle, or you actually meant headbutt.
For knee drop it depends on how it hits. If he hits somewhere above your legs then he’ll bounce off and give you time to do whatever. c.MK x jab srk, kara srk is probably the best choice, or c.MK x fierce srk if you’re not able to kara. Or any poke/combo that leads to super (probably the best one out of those is c.MK x MP srk xx super). If he hits very low he won’t bounce off so just be patient and don’t throw out anything dumb until you see him rebound.
After a blocked tackle you sweep. That’s it. Or c.MK xx super if you have meter.
Not many people do c.MP but I don’t think it’s punishable after blocking.
well the whole point is to give suggestions not about which answers match the questions but anyway its all about what fits the certain situation and how the move lands, how much life you have,and how good you are so any suggested counter or follow up would be helpful
well what i was meaning by what i said was that if you have low life you would hesitate to parry for fear of getting knocked down or something like that and losing the match…and what i meant by how good you were it would determine if you’re confident on what moves to use /ex: Urien uses Ex knee drop…ken parries both hits and does low forward, strong srkxx super/ i understand what he was askin and stuff i just wanted to make it less complicated than what it normally sounds…like sayin which move to use…its all what situation is and if you’re in a position to actually use any of the counter attacks listed…no offense yo im just clearin up what i said lol:smile: