What are the PROS and CONS of Tekken 7 vs SF V?

Have not played Tekken 7. Looking into buying it. After a while of the game being out there, I wanted to know what you guys think of the game compared to SF v.

Well Tekken is more of a Picasso painting, SFV is like Leonardo painting but needs more shape…and lining

It’s hard to compare them, because they are so different. But these are the “general” pros and cons compared to SFV imo:

Tekken 7 Pros:

  • developer more in touch with the community
  • ranking system seems more reasonable
  • more stages
  • slightly better netcode (but that is debatable)
  • bigger cast of characters
  • easier to jump online and just have fun with

Cons compared to SFV:

  • no Tutorial mode
  • no Replays
  • no weekly missions
  • harder to “master” a character
  • probably less players online in the long run
  • game was available in Asia for 2 years now, this could lead to a stale tournament situation for the next few months (Asia dominating etc.)

Honestly they were better than the west in the first place.

But that is because that situation arises with every release.
I mean sure on top of that the game stays popular in Korea for whatever reason and that’s most likely the main reason why these guys are so good, but it’s kind of understandable that the international players fall back even more, when they have to play the previous version 2 years longer than their Asian counterparts, on every release.

That’s a plus in my opinion.

SFV’s tutorials are so bad you should just cross them off from the cons.

PROS: Tekken 7 is good.

CONS: Street Fighter V, is not good.

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Pros : Developers listening to community and quickly addressing issues

Street Fighter V:

  • A lot of personality in animations and stages
  • Decent matchmaking and connections
  • Survival
    +/- Simple gameplay system with limited skill ceiling
  • Small base roster and stage selection with infrequent updates
  • Many characters/costumes/stages locked behind in-game currency and some stages and costumes only available for limited time purchases
  • Stubby normals and many ineffective character specific v-skills/specials
  • Heavy reliance on rush down with poor zoning and poor defensive options
  • Old charge characters changed to play differently

Tekken 7:

  • Relatively large base roster (albeit filled with too few veterans and too many one trick pony newcomers)
  • PC graphics great (albeit limited by design choices) and input lag minimum (especially without V-sync)
  • Treasure Battle (a series of 2 round bouts with some obnoxious special battles thrown in)
    +/- Akuma and Eliza (pre-order lolita vampire) do not play like a Tekken character and have a meter
  • Dated animations and bland stages
  • Poor matchmaking and connection drops
  • Dated and convoluted gameplay system with added obnoxious hit priorities (including new power crushes and rage arts) necessitating an in-depth knowledge of gameplay mechanics and match-ups for necessitated turtling/movement/punishing
  • Heavy reliance on launchers, juggles, and sweeps with limited movement (relative to past installments)
  • Lots of input lag on PS4 version and poor visual quality
  • Garbage customization
  • Idol, weebo, and furry garbage rolled into one obnoxious character

P.S. Both lack basic offline content and have very limited online functionality. The balance and gameplay systems are also a step down from previous installments. You would be better off investing in Guilty Gear Xrd Rev. 2, Injustice 2, or King of Fighters XIV if you wanted current installments that featured any improvements relative to their predecessors without any major missteps.

For this pile of hate, I give him a lol

He’s got some points, but it’s hard to get to them when you already want to quit reading after he lists survival mode and connections as a positive in SFV.

Im still kinda stuck on “dated animations” being a con for tekken. Like how many years you been watching ryu’s fireball animation bitch ass nigga?

I think being Fluid and allowing for way more on the fly stuff is Tekkens biggest strength to me.

The biggest difference is that getting good at Tekken is that it is a very reactive game always played at relatively close range, while SF is a proactive game that can be played from anywhere across the screen (Maybe SFV not that much).

In Tekken a big part of each character is punishable realistically in one way or another. Most moves are unsafe on block, lots of strings can be ducked or low parried and moves have many recovery frames, making it possible to realistically punish most moves on whiff.
That makes it necessary to learn all those moves and the hardest punishes for all those scenarios and then get real match experience to hammer those punishes really down, to even get proficient at the game.
While on a high level that shit isn’t that important anymore because people play very poke heavy not using all that unsafe shit quite as much anymore.

Street Fighter on the other hand has a very low percentage of the movelist being punishable, moves come out faster making prediction and conditioning a must to even have a chance of whiff punishing even the slowest of moves and the game gives you the option to play from full screen (again SFV not so much).
So the speed and properties of the moves in Street Fighter makes playing offensive easier and punishing behaviors of you opponents is something you do ahead of time instead of reacting to them. For example throwing a fireball when you notice that your opponent like to move forward after you backdash or likes to whiff buttons, or buffering uppercuts in anticipation of the jump in you just set up with your fireballs.

They also have vastly different learning curves and first appearances on new players.
Tekken hides its complexity to noobs by having seemingly braindead easy strings that look totally op if used against another noob.
The game looks fluid and easy to play when you first start out.
As soon as you get a basic understanding of the game, it feels overwhelming as hell though as you realize you have this huge library of information you have to dig through and memorize on top of the execution requirements needed to whiff punish and move properly.

In SF you look like a complete piece of shit though and can’t do combos for shit when you start out. You feel instantly intimidated by the execution requirements that are presented to you early on (uppercuts and 2x qcf motions are really tough for new players on top of links), but if you stick through that you’re presented with a much smoother learning experience than Tekken.

So basically the games have different strengths and weaknesses.
If you prefer reactive and defensive games that rely on tactics and the flow of the moment, Tekken is probably your thing.
If you like proactive, aggressive games where long terms strategy is a bigger part of the game, SF is your game.

Both are cool games, I just think that SFV shot itself in the foot by taking away a lot of the full and 2/3 screen archetypes that made the game so much different from 3d fighters. Now you gotta stand in Tekken ranges all the time, without having the same punishment tools as Tekken, which makes the close up game feel random as fuck.

I’m just talking about core gameplay aspects. I feel both game’s single player content is beyond ass.

I wouldn’t say one is superior to the other. I will say however, only Tekken can be played for more than 2 hours a day by me personally.
I like every mode of tekken, which cannot be echoed for sf5. I believe the only good modes in sf are battle lounge & training mode, and the rest of fm fodder and mindless grinding.

I appreciate sf4 much more after playing sf5 for a staggering 160 hours since release.