I FINALLY understand how everything works, I start up ranked and I’m tearing it up then I go to a
friendly match and there’s this guy I’ve never played, his rank is about the same so I don’t sweat it, I get
in there and lose in such an epic way, I barely even got a chance to move let alone attack the guy and I
lose over and over and OVER again, then I go back to ranked and all of a sudden I am gettingROCKED
and by this time I’m pretty damn frustrated. At the present time, it’s sorta coming back I won the guy whokicked by ass just once after losing 5 straight times after, what do I do?
Ranked , points…etc means nothing, I’ve seen total scrubs with thousands of points and excellent players with a couple of hundred of points. Some people are just better than you and you have to work on your weaknesses and improve to be able to compete with them.
its the smash bros
points mean nothing, online means nothing actually.
i don’t even play online, let alone i hardly play this game. yet when i go to my friends house i play a few matches with adon and i got like 2k points in a about an hour or so. ive beaten so many players with over 6k points its a joke.
not enough basketball style commentary imo.
Really? I’ve been working on that pretty hard.
Ok so points mean nothing, if I get a gameplay vid up here I’m sure this’ll be more productive.
Did you play a lot of matches prior to the matches you got beat at? I know when I play for a prolonged amount of time, I start making mistakes, getting fatigued, that kind of stuff. I played SSFIV with my bro last night. My boxer vs his Akuma. He got so frustrated that he wanted to keep playing the same match over and over again til he beat me. We ended up playing about twenty matches before he finally beat me (He got pissed over me getting two perfects on him :)). The last match, I was so tired and bored of the match that I ended up making mistakes (thank god) and lost the match.
Although it did help me learn some kool shit for match ups against Akuma. I learned that I could headbutt Akuma out of his ultra :).
Maybe Super Smash Brothers is more your speed.
JC Shine into Dair more and you’ll be alright.
I think you SRK Street Fighter fanboys are forgetting, Melee is faster, and way more technical and in depth than SF4/SSF4 will ever be.
anyone that says otherwise is just a crying fanboy.
lol that statement is so funny in so many ways.
nah, they weren’t stating an opinion, they were simply bashing it because, apparently, it’s the cool thing to do on this forum (-knows that sentence contradicts itself, but you should get my point-). Even worse, it’s the ones that play SF4, the most dumbed down Street Fighter to date, that attack other games simply because it’s not SF4.
Seeing as how this site is notorious for the trolls that troll every other game that isn’t their favorite game and all.
Off topic post is off topic, not posting on the matter anymore.
Eh, I don’t even like Smash, but I will say that people show play Melee against somebody good or even DECENT before you knock it. It IS pretty fast AND technical (probably much moreso than SF4, but I mean Melee to Brawl is like HDR to SF4). But that’s not really the subject at hand.
Anyway don’t think that somebody with less BP than you should always lose to you. What if Daigo got a new account and only had 100 BP? You expect to beat him just because you have a few thousand?
If you don’t tell us who you were using, who you were playing against, and what kind of stuff you couldn’t deal with, what kind of advice do you expect to get?
hey vinny…gimme your gamertag you ***
I’ll own you at this too
Hey, I’ll powerlevel your points to infinity. $24.95 and a bowl of rice is all I charge.
my bullshit detector is going crazy.
Find him again and play some more. If your games aren’t a struggle to not get utterly destroyed, you’re not playing the right people. Unlike most online flowcharters who rely on lag to net them damage with their otherwise predictable bullshit, the ones who can trash you in ways you didn’t think possible are actually the ones you can stretch out and try new stuff with, mostly because you pretty much have to.