Hey guys, my name is Reyes 'MasterONIon" Reyes III and I’m the media lead for Kick-Punch-Block, a fighting game squad based in the NY area. We currently run casuals based out of Scarsdale, NY, and we also attend tournaments to offer streaming services (most recently at NEC for the entire KOF XIII tournament) and compete across the board with tournament-competitive fighting games. I just wanted to open up this channel of communication for those looking for a local scene around the Metro-North area, as well as those looking for a nice casual environment to grow and be apart of. So if you guys have any questions at all about who we are, what games we play, the members of our team, or want to get in touch with us, feel free to comment here, or follow us on Facebook @KickPunchBlock, on Twitter @KickPunchBlock, and our tumblr at http://kick-punch-block.tumblr.com/. We are working towards improving our look through social media, and build a firm place for those who want to build up their skills and possibly run tournaments to gain further strength in our gaming.
So when and where are you holding these casuals, and what games get played?
A few people are going to Mashfest at Fashion 40 Lounge this Monday to play KOF, it starts at 6PM and ends at 10PM, $5 to get in and you have to be 21 or older to enter since it is a bar. Most of the guys who plan on playing are going to show up either exactly at 6PM or no later than 7PM so show up early otherwise you’ll miss an opportunity to play with people in the city.