West Palm Beach County Thread-New and Welcoming

Nice is he in the med school?

PS- I got an XBOX360 120G 2 controllers, text pad, and mic for sale. $140. I’d rather sell it locally if anyone is interested.

I come fridays at gorilla 6-9pm

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GG’s at the tourney today yo! Imma try to be at Gorillas to play next friday (the 15thi think)just sayin early.

If you live in the Palm Beach Gardens area, try to find a place nearby to play, cuz GorillaGamez is like 25 minutes from PBG (its like 30 for me) so if the players in PBG could find a place to play locally that’d be straight.

Didn’t go to the tourny cause i was sleep

a little too late to enter but watched some games. be ther friday

if anyone wants to play on live GT: DaT Cito

Online is the Devil!

ha ha yea i know but sometimes you just dont have the time to make it out. street fighters online isnt that bad but mvc3 is horrible i dont know how they could mess it up that bad after sf4 set the blueprint, except that they did it on purpose to say they “revamped” it for the super edition smh.

not that bad? if you live in japan its not that bad because they got a nice infrastructure, but america yea that shit is all over the place. If it was always constant then i would agree but SF4 is not. GGPO does a good job of hiding the lag and at least making it more constant so lag don’t mess inputs all up. And i play on both systems online, same shit with a different box.

its at least tolerable to me, yeah every once and awhile there will be slowdown here and there but you can at least learn a matchup, mvc3 is a whole nother level of lag, i dont even want to play it online its so bad other fighters i havent played them so i cant comment on them. anyone know who took top 3 in marvel i would think justres and the spidey, viper, task player.

Street fighter is a much slower game, its much easier to keep things in check. Marvel is another story, shit tekken is horrible online and thats my main game. Its fucking unplayable the way it was designed. AE is messed up enough that makes me rely on shit that don’t work offline that works well online, like cheap walk up throws and shit like that. you know what i mean lol

yea i try not to do online tactics creates bad habits,online walk up throws makes you wanna mash on o/s throw tech lol. mvc3 it makes sense but mvc 2 isnt as bad and it even has spectator mode, i guess the 3d graphics and seizure sparks on hit cause it.

if anyone wants to meet up another day wed-fri i dont mind drivin out there and by the end of the month monday i really wanna get better at mvc3 no matter how much salt i get from playin it.

Nah he is in physics there, but ya if Capcom announces something during Comic-Con about MvC3 I might get back into to it, but right now I can’t wait for Rain for MK9

online gt: Aninj4turtl3

Again yo if anyone wants to ever play, and lives near Palm Beach Gardens im down. I can play SF and MvC. I’ll learn MK if i have to. The only problem is unless we play at a house, we have no where to play. Hit me up 561 876 8920

Also everyone should definitely hit up Wills next tournament in Coconut Creek if they can.

I’m going for sure.

Hey just thought we should get eachs other sn for xbl and psn so post them and I’ll post them up on the front page

gonna be at gorilla games friday. Will plans to be there to test his stream for his tourny as far as i know

ill be at GG today around 6 or 7

I’d love to go but i work

What time are casuals generally at GG?

Is there a fee to play?