West Coast vs East Coast at NEC?

I know we’re all waiting on the patch to drop and I’m assuming everyone will be into it once it does (you will) so I thought why not try and get something going in the future? Is anyone up for crafting a 5 v 5 at NEC this year? NEC happens in Philadelphia every year in December. This would give enough time for people to save up $$$ to come (hotel is right next to the air port) and to request days off and the like. We can start coming up with ideas of team captains or how to choose the people for the 5 v 5 and all of that.

And Mike Z is 100% allowed to be part of this as a competitor. Anyone up for it? Possibly have ideas on where to hold it instead? I know Big E would promote the hell out of this.

Let’s get something going!

NEC13 is at a different venue. It’s not at the Sheraton Suites.

Is that where it was last year? Where is it going down this year?

NEC12 was at Sheraton Suites but NEC13 is not due to large numbers. I heard it’ll be somewhere near the sports district which is 5-7 mins from Sheraton and can be accessed from any Philly highway.

Regional 5v5 imo (EC, WC, MW, etc)

I want to play but I’m texicoast

In most sports that I know of when they do a “East Coast Vs. West Coast” type event, Texas (from what I know) is counted as West Coast or Western Side of the country, hope that helps.

Sick. People need to make something happen though. Hope the non-EC regions get angry/hungry enough to travel out and bop some heads. Insane pot bonuses and bets anyone? Trophys (posters, drawings, figures, etc.) for winning team would be cool too imo. If this gets enough hype, I may make the trip just to spectate this alone!

Me omni psyken alzarath will be playing a man down so we get extra money since itl be so free

Jk lol

i have 200 on east coast

yeah i’m nowhere near good enough to be part of the team but id love to be part of finding who we can put on there, I think there’s a few other killers on the ec that popped up at ect4~

Severin, JMCroft, and DacidBro on west coast me thinks.

Meh…EC vs. WC is a sham now. It’s just good to see top players going at it, but guys travel so much that there isn’t as much territorial difference as there was in the pre-SF4 era. These days it’s much more about country than region.

EC has technically traveled to WC for Evo but none of our heavy hitters went. This doesn’t have to be a EC x WC I just want an event for everyone to enjoy and all the good people to have fun being part of.

Also no one has really traveled for this game yet outside of their comfort zone / home region outside of Dacidbro to my knowledge.

How about Guys-with-long-beatiful-hair VS Guys-without-long-beatiful-hair? Although I’m not sure that Sev and Dacid will find 3 more people for their team lol.

Hmmmm, how about a Curley Mustache-esque type of event then? Big buy in winner takes all?

Would you do it invite only as well?

Maybe, but if people are willing to put in that much $$$ then it may be their confidence over whether they’re good enough or not.

Also I might have to limit to like 10-15 people or something.

me too

doing my best to make it to NEC regardless

So the patch will be out.

We gotta do something guys, lets goo!