Wesker mixup/reset setups

Good stuff reguardless though. Props for posting this

Definitely! As videos come in I’ll update them to the 1st post. I have kensanity’s up now. All help is greatly appreciated.

–Jay Snyder

Here you go with a hefty first batch! I even titled the videos to match the roman numeral/letter/number combination in your original post so people know what they are referring too… I am still unsure if I am executing a few properly (specifically the Pushblocks Air to Ground and the Ground Roll states) but I will post everything I got so far and you can critique me so I can add the correct videos… or you can just post my videos and underneath them right what I did wrong and how to do it right.







Here is when I get somewhat cloudy


So for the pushblock you said that you immediate teleport C (I assume immediate as in when you touch the ground because if you did it right away he would just teleport to the ground) then air throw. However I can never ever get even remotely close to being at the same height as them to ever throw them… I can however dash as soon as I land and go up and throw them (which is really sneaky because you will notice I am VERY close to the ground in an area where someone might not be expecting it so you will avoid the tech). Am I doing something wrong with the whole set up? This also prevents me from being able to do/understand the IIIA2 because I feel like I am way too late to be able to do that mix up.



Same thing with these… I notice that by the time I get to the spot for the high low mix up they will have been grounded for quite sometime (especially the dash back teleport C) and I would think they wouldn’t be in that spot by the time I get to them (maybe just for the standard teleport C). Also, I do these practically right when I hit the ground so that is my heighth I was telling you about in the above paragraph about how im not even close to the same level as them.

On to the ones I am pretty confused about



I understand the whole point about creating the ground roll state but at what point do you dash? Do I want to dash RIGHT AFTER I call in Phoenix or do I want to dash when I see the fireball hit them or start right when they start rolling? I think I got the crouching A/B one correct… but I for the life of me could NEVER get the kara crouching B Mustang Kick to connect… I always ended up too far away from them when trying to kara (I use L Mustang kick too for the most range)… I feel like I might be dashing at the wrong time.

Also here are a couple of things I have found that I think could be added to the original post (if you feel like they are worthy)


This one I like to use a lot at midscreen because it doesn’t suffer the damage scaling from an air throw and is pretty tricky to identify. Rarely have I had anyone block this one except for a few players that know my tendencies. I stole it from the game guide so it isn’t anything groundbreaking or something I found but is very effective.



This one has been working for me lately as well. Basically it is one for the ground roll state except you aren’t reacting to their tech you are basically guessing that they are going to roll out of the corner… so it is a much riskier approach. I tend to start using this on players that I notice always like to forward tech out of the corner (just to get the fuck out because the corner + Wesker is a scary place). If you use the standing C right away they will roll through you to the other side but if you delay it slightly then they will stop right in front of you where you can time it perfectly to grab them right as they are out of the recovery (The standing C doesn’t hit! Yay). I like using the Mustang Kick A because you can gunshot teleport behind them and throw their ass right back in the corner.

So yea if you could clarify what I did wrong in some of the videos and tips in general for the Pushblocks and Ground Roll states I would much appreciate it. I really want to make a video for every mix up so this guide will be awesome. Also would like feed back on the other mixups I posted that aren’t on the front page. If you decide to add them to the front I will rename the videos so they correspond to the numeral/letter/number that you assigned them to… thanks Visc! :tup:

woah sexy stuff Nissan much appreciated

For sure. Wesker is my favorite VG character ever so I really want to be a part of his evolution as this game goes on. This will probably be my main game for years to come I just have way too much fun with it and with Wesker in general. I don’t care how easy, mindless, broken, bashed this game is to the community… this game is fun as fuck.

Lol damn this shit is fucking sweet. Way to go

Great work! I have your videos added up.

Generally for everything in section III it’s best to assume that the pushblock comes with your feet closer to the ground. The most common ways that this will happen is when they block the last hit of your air loop and pushblock that. The first hits keep them high enough and the pushblock at the end freezes them allowing you the time to get your teleport in there. You’ll get this situation sometimes if they’re just mashing pushblock and they get that double push. If they push right away, as you and others have noticed they tend to float too low to the ground. What I usually do in this situation is just dash in and try to catch them with a mustang or low B. Your air throw video was really great, I’m going to practice that tonight!

As far as the kara mustang after the forward roll the best advice I can give to you is to slow down a little bit. I’ve found that if you do it too early you get pushed away MORE for some reason. It took me hours in the lab before I could get it out reliably and even then when I do it in actual matches sometimes I’ll just step in for a slower version instead of kara-ing.

Anyways, really appreciate everyone’s work. This really improves the thread.

–Jay Snyder

that rejump loop is good shit…

i like throwing in against players once this is going on empty jump land and low instead

i also sometimes start these resets off a throw with a character like storm that can airthrow and then tag in wesker and have him otg
also, i like starting the reset off something other than the otg if possible just to change the situation to react to, sometimes launch + call sent air combo and then they get knocked into drones and then air throw as they reset off that… or just launch slow m m h teleport to ground and just jump back up and airthrow there etc… a lot of these lose out on the “meaty” timing of the throw / j.a you would get from the otg but you gain the element of confusion… for example in the corner you can launch and tap them with j.a or j.c on the way up if they air tech back or neutral you throw them… the thing is this just is worthless against the front tech tho

this requires the right ranges but if i have them pinned with sent assist or similar sometimes i tiger knee the forwards teleport which makes him appear really low to the ground but still let you come out with a high attack so you can make pretty weird to block shit happen, especially if you mixup between empty into low, empty into throw if they are leaving blockstun from the assist, or pressing j.A once and then doing low after or pressing j.A twice and doing a low

against people who i notice play like shit earlier in the match when they have low life with a character (and i have a life lead):
i will go for a wavedash under after the OTG gunshot and act like i’m going for a low, so i let them land. then i just block to try to get them to raw tag. they see wesker running around like crazy and they get a big dick about trying to get out of the situation. then they die, and possibly screwed over the whole match much more than losing a single character…
in my experience this is good on the players who get by having good execution and reactions but play like shit and arent good at thinking. marvel 3 makes the raw tag really appealing to these fools because of how “safe” it is compared to mvc2 but just because cable isn’t here to piss all over their whole team doesn’t mean they wont get murdered anyway…

dumb gimmick:
in corner, do air combo really fast, just like launch and press j.c j.s for example and then while screen is still scrolling and wesker is offscreen do a teleport and then he stays offscreen for a really long time and then he comes down on the wrong side as a crossup… this works a lot better if you are at a loud tournament with lots of hype so that they can’t hear the teleport on the tv as well and instead they just hear a crowd behind them going “what the fuck is happening”… but if they’ve seen it once they’ll know what it is.

Awesome job Nissan!

Been using the air loop a lot after killing a character or during a snapback. Question though: what options can I use t mix up a character That has double jump or some sort of air mobility to totally avoid the mixup?

Utilize the ground roll state more

I meant when they come in from a character dying or from a snapback.

I’ve got a couple new things I’ll make a video of. One is using the Phoenix style camera trick and another is an air teleport 50/50.


EDIT: Just uploaded vid.

What are wesker’s options after a good deal of hitstun decay? I’ve been trying to keep it basic recenty but I sometimes don’t feel like playing the guessing game, doing about 1/3 health per combo and having to get 2 good mixups to end a character. I’d rather just do a long combo that takes 1/2 health, choose a correct option and be done with that character without having to DHC or lv3.

the basic wesker bnb does 500,000 damage for no meter. thats half life on most of the cast. add in a couple of well picked assists for relaunch options and thats quite a bit of damage. a corner mixup ends up being pretty lucrative especially if they try to tech. the air throw reset has some damage scaling but, the air loop goes into a full combo so characters should be dead by then.

I’ve been doing the air throw/loop mixup a lot on my friends, so they are catching on. They haven’t been pressing buttons and they just try to tech on reaction, so they are getting pretty good at it.

I’ve been trying to hit the jump :s: as late as possible and then I try to follow up with either low/command grab mixup but that isn’t as effective as i’d like it to be. Is that the recommended follow up if my opponent is wise enough to defend the air throw/loop mixup?

Air throw/loop isn’t bad but even if you land an air throw you put the opponent into a forced damage scale even though you reset them. In most other fighting games the whole point of getting a reset is to get full 100 percent damage for successfully landing a mix up. Getting an air throw should be like last on your things to do to mix the opponent up unless you can TAC into DHC glitch or have enough meter to land a level 3 after which will land unscaled. Otherwise it forces you to have to go into another reset to maybe kill them. With other characters like Magneto people have been using real resets like forcing you into constant left/right/overhead stuff after a reset. Even if he does throw/air throw you his ability to land level 3 or DHC glitch easily afterwards allows him to bypass the scaling more easily. The air throw/loop stuff is more reminiscent of counter hitting/frame trapping than resetting (with the added issue of landing a throw having to reduce your damage).

That’s why the stuff I’ve been working on is more left/right/overhead based. Those type of resets/mix ups dont get hit by damage reduction even when you land them. The ideal situation for air throw/attack trap is that you want your opponent to start pressing buttons or mashing tech out of air throws so you can counter hit them but then they can just block. The opponent never has to worry about which direction your attack is coming from. That’s why in my video and some of the other videos Nissan put out show setups where the opponent must guess which way to block and not just IF they should block. Allowing you more potential to land damage.

I do remember the guide saying that after the OTG reset, you can call an assist after the gunshot and then wavedash/teleport behind whenever you can.

My friends have also resorted to neutral teching to get out of the trap and I’m looking for some ideas to keep the mix up game going. You can’t really air throw them because they are not high enough. Beyond Viscant’s suggestion of standing A and command throw I’m not sure what else to do if they neutral tech. Any other suggestions?

Even though this it’s pretty common sense, another good option after you have instilled the fear or the air throw reset or the ACS BCS loop and your opponent is helplessly mashing to get out of the corner is the counter hyper. Along those lines, Wesker’s tiger uppercut counter specials could also be effective in the mixup when you know your opponent is going to be mashing or trying to tech grab

It’s possibe to grab, acs and double dash after a neutral tech. You just have to dash really late.