Ok, practicing with Mak for EVO. I’ve resigned the fact of beating Haitani and I am now practicing my path through losers. Before the weekend, I was around 3200pp, slaughtering scrubs and actually taking out +3000 to +3500pp players (probably doing better against them than against the scrubs). I was feeling really good about my Mak.
Then…I practiced all this weekend. Locked myself in a room. Had all my binders of info out and really focusing. All of a sudden, I was losing to the worst people I could imagine! I really can’t understand it. I was losing to 1200pp players for crying out loud. I sat back and took some breaks to analyze my game and it doesn’t appear to be something obvious, just looks like I am guessing/picking up the wrong patterns of opponents.
It was like this the entire weekend! I couldn’t buy a game! It just feels like my Mak is broken and I can’t figure out the problem. Anyone else experienced this? If so, how did you get out? I am very frustrated and somewhat worried. I’ve never had this problem in SF before. The only thing I can think of is just playing through this slump and I’m praying that the killer instinct and mind reading kicks back in.
I go throw that maybe once a week. Before it was more but with practice(2000 games straight) I’ve trimmed it down. Dont take points to seriously. Losing them is by far easier then gaining them. Especially once your around the 3k mark (I hate the way they dish out points in the sf series). At the end of every night check your win % instead. If you go from 63.19% to 62.82% your clearly having a bad day. Clearly I’m having one of those nights too lol. I’m still burning inside. But I’m going to go back to it tomorrow and get up to 65%. You can lose 100 points to someone that gives you only 1 if you take points for what they’re worth beating that person means absolutely nothing. Thinking the % way I’ve been floating around the 2.5k-3k mark and I’m hoping by the end of July I can turn that into 3-3.5 mark with a 70% win rate. Just jump back on that horse man. No need to soul search cause your women is right in front of you ;p
I think I’ve been sitting down at 2300pp with over 5000bp for Mak for a while now. I don’t go onto ranked matches often. Haven’t been on since I broke my rule of ‘2 losses and you’re out’. I had 3 losses that night because I was beaten by one of those people that you know you should’ve beaten and you want revenge on because you know they get cocky about it.
My advise is to stop playing ranked. Find players on the forum who will play long sets in 1 on 1 endless with you using their main and do not lag. This will teach you match ups. Ranked only teaches you frustration. And try not to judge a player based on PP. It only makes the frustration worse.
To make my point, everyone always gets salty after they realize they lost all their points in ranked playing various people. Then they ask others what they are doing wrong because they cannot figure it out. The problem here is, no one can really help you since no one can really analyze one game sets and decide what you are doing wrong. To really find the problem, you need to grind the match up with someone to truly find the consistent holes in your gameplay. Fixing those holes will help you improve as a player and become stronger in that particular match up.
Biggest problem with ranked is that you do not have time to learn.
More games + same characters = more learned
That has been the best response ive seen towards taking ranked matches seriously. I actually try to tell myself the points dont matter but I end up playing anyway and get discouraged from learning the game fully. I THANK YOU.
You need to develop two different strategies. One for scrub mashers and one for good players. You’re losing to their unpredictability. Just block and they’ll do something stupid. Either 1. They become really predictable or 2. They’ll do something unsafe. Once you have momentum you should be winning the match. If you aren’t then you need to take a look at your mixup. Don’t automatically spend your meter just because you can. A good example is being Midscreen and hitting a standing fierce. I see a lot of new mak’s cancel into ex hayate. That’s really dumb IMO. With makoto you always want to put yourself in a position to net more damage. That means if you’re Midscreen and you don’t want to use every ounce of your meter, you want to use FP hayate because it keeps them standing which opens them up to more mixup. Just develop something you can use to check your opponent. See how they react and you can get an idea of their skill level
In addition - safe jumps blow up bad players. If they learn to not mash dp on wakeup you can start grabbing them. If they mash jab on wakeup then you can frame trap. As makoto a lot of the time you’re teaching your opponent how to play. Use it to your advantage. Just be aware that if your opponent has a 3 frame reversal, a true safe jump wont work. I typically use dash mixups like: back throw > forward dash x2 > backdash (bait dp)/tsurugi (counter hit normal and blow up crouch tech)/ karakusa etc etc etc. hope this helps
What pisses me off is all I play are shoto scrubs and when I come across a good player who is using someone different like viper I get blown up for free lol