Well gents, we just got screwed by Combofiend


This also sounds promising

MrsHowBoat how could you miss the reduction of Gadouken hurtbox-part, that’s like the most important. :frowning:

longer gadoken
ex danku through projectiles
fix the inconcsistency on LK

That is right i forgot about that… anyways i doubt anyone gave that list to Ono at Evo

I want more than 2 active frames on normals

Well, active frames arent the onmmy thing making normals good. Look at DeeJay, he has some great active frames on his moves, but they mostly all suck

Yeah but then you look at Ryu’s fwd.hp and you think otherwise

I read this interview of combofiend and it seems like he has more ‘deciding’ power of what goes into the update than i first thought. I wonder what our Japanese Saikyo bros suggested for the update? Should we msg him on his twitter?


I’d say go for it, Dan really needs all the buffs he can get this time around, nothing to lose in pushing for those key buffs, right?

I already did. Kept it nice and simply: asked for better lk. danku , hurtbox on gadoken and super with K not P. A modest request gets more attention I’d venture

Ah, alright. Thanks for that, hopefully we’ll get some more stuff listed in that suggestions thread.

Improving his ex gadoken might make fadc into ultra 1 at any range possible or at least easier…
Now over there on capcom unity not sure they are trolling or what but they have talked about nerfing his dmg and dp no longer to be invincible they also mention about improving his hitbox on his gadoken which would be great.
Nerfing Dan in anyway except his dizzy hitbox is plain ridiculous Dan is the worst character in the game given his match ups

tweet @CapcomDawg and @TheComboFiend and get your requests in.

Ixion_90, you especially since you are well known and your voice will be heard!

Never tweeted before in my whole life but I gave it a try. What I wrote to both of them was:
“Most important for Dan: reduced hurtbox on Gadouken (very very important) and, -no nerfs-. In all seriousness!”

Agreed no nerfs but after reading front page I think it’s gg… Dan will be a threat, his worst matches should be improved guile, fei,Seth, sIm and grapplers.

Sup bros, been a while.
I’m not sold on Ultra. Unless they do something majorly drastic with Dan (which they won’t) and that mysterious 5th character is awesome, I’m not buying. This is the same kind of laziness they took into SFxT and they’re bringing it right back here.

I wouldn’t really call it laziness. Those 4 characters where the highest requested characters to be added in the update and they all need to be changed drastically. They are adding several new modes and features and, of course, re-balancing the game by giving all characters buffs and tweaks to make them all more fun to play and even out the power of the whole cast. The stages tho are a bit lazy tho, I give you that, but we’ll see after they re-designed them to fit SF4.

We don’t really know much more about Ultra than this. I am a bit skeptical too, but if it really will contain those new modes and such, I will be happy to pay. I can always catch it on a sale on Steam if I feel like it’s not worth 15 dollars.

As for Dan, we have barely received any information except from what is already in the response above. As they said, they have barely finalized anything yet, so a lot may be changed.

Until we get more information, I will just sit tight and play some games. No need to get hyped by words.

Not a Dan speacialist, but a longer hitbox in cr. forward, a smaller hurtbox and better startup in gadouken, and more active frames in both far fierce and roundhouse would be very welcome.

Highest requested characters by who? The devs? :stuck_out_tongue: What a happy coincidence. What’s the chance that this 5th character is essentially going to be clone of an existing one? Ibuki’s friend, Go Hibiki… actually Go would be pretty awesome :stuck_out_tongue:

Let’s not kid ourselves here, they’ve had plenty of chances to make Dan actually good but have consistently and purposely kept him down. He needs those nerfs undone, shit fixed and ontop of that buffs to compete with the rest of the gang. One thing that I’d really like to see is that command throw that they almost gave him but I have more chance of winning the lottery than that happening. Prove me wrong Capcom, I’ll happily eat humble pie if they do.