Welcome to the new Canada section on SRK!
Have fun!
Welcome to the new Canada section on SRK!
Have fun!
Lol oh shit! Thanks Wiz!
Nagata and I will do our best to be fair. I gots me some rules to read up on.
EDIT: Lol misread mod list.
gdlk! nice
I’d like to thank everyone from across Canada for signing the petition to get this done.
Yay Thanks wiz
Ca-na-da! Ca-na-da!
holy crap a petition worked!
i saw the “petition”
pretty cool for you guys
thank you
hell yes!
Thank you Wiz! Way to pull through for your buddies up north!
This is cool, I feel so close to you guys now. :wonder:
Thanks Wiz. Good shit everyone.
Fuck’n A!
Beauty… thanks Wiz, Justin and Canada.
gj nagata!
Thanks Justin for making the petition, and thanks Wiz and SRK to making this happen…