Welcome new players. UPDATE: Links to Facebook/Twitter/GTASF chat room added

I’m also new. I’m not that good of a player but I’m willing to learn to get better. Add me on PSN or XBLA if you want to play. I live in Toronto but have never been to Lovegetty (is it accessible by the TTC btw?)

I lurked for a few years and joined late last year.

I play STHD, GGAC, AH, and I’ve tried a little BB and SFIV when I’ve gone to Lovegety.

XBL: l0ung

(That’s a zero not an “O”) My 360 is in the shop right now for RROD so I haven’t been able to play anything lately :sad:

I hope so.

i’m new, too.

Mongoose - I’m surprised at how well my 2mins of advice worked out for you in TvC lol

random machine gun super + charge C

Well, IRC seems to be making a comeback, so I guess i’ll write a quick and dirty FAQ.

What is IRC

IRC is a chat program, with multiple users in a single room. The GTASF players have been using it for years on and off to discuss Street Fighter, get to know each other better, and just generally shoot the shit. If you want to know the community better, this would be a good place to start.

It seems complicated to the new user, but it’s really simple once you get the hang of it.

How do I get IRC?

The easiest way would be to download MIRC. Click here. It’s free, and easy to use. When the trial period expires, you can still use it, you just have to wait a few seconds for the continue button to become clickable.

**I downloaded it…Now what? **

All the Shoryuken.com chat channels are on the EFnet server. So make sure you’re connected to an EFnet server before joining a room. When you open MIRC, you’ll have a prompt asking you to fill in your information. You don’t have to give out anything real, including your e-mail.

On the left hand side, you’ll see “Servers”. Make sure an EFnet server is selected, go back to Connect, and click on Connect to server. If you’re still having trouble connecting to an EFnet server, just type this into the server window:

/server irc.prison.net

What channels do I want to be on?

Shoryuken.com has a whole bunch of different channels on EFnet. To join a channel, simply type in /join #channelname in any window. You can be in an unlimited number of channels at anytime.

The Toronto channel is #gtasf

The main SRK channel is #capcom

Other channels are #srkfgd (fighting game discussion) and #srkgd (the SRK General Discussion people), #tekken, and #blazblue.

Miscellaneous Commands:

/nick changes your nickname
/join joins a channel
/server switches your server


Good, the game sucks anyway.

I’ve played fighting games casually throughout my life and I want to change that now. I did play at York University(3 years ago) for a couple months until I dropped out of my program. I probably seen some of you guys.

I live in downtown Toronto and there’s no good arcades around my area. I don’t have a car so going to the good arcades is a hassle. I hope I’ll improve my game and look forward to playing with the community.


i am alfonso, a gr11 student in bc

i like sf, among other fighting games

where i live, the only arcade in town has ttt and some kof (03?)

i got into the scene in 06 although ive played some sf/marvel before

i hope to get my xbl working soon so i can play sf4 online


Hello hello, I’m in Mississauga, and am really just getting into the scene. We’re normally an FPS/Platformer couple and decided to get into the fighting scene. Amordien and I do tend to go out every weekend to either tourneys or lovegetty for practice. So long as they’re within driving distance, we try our best to get there. We were at the Lovegetty tourney, the one at the Psychocave, and at POWNz. Hopefully we’ll be attending many more tourneys. I hope to improve in A3, 3S, and TvC over time, and would welcome any and all suggestions on how to do so.

I hope to get to know you all, and thank you for the warm reception.

I added links to the GTASF and Canadian Fighting Game groups for Facebook. If you use Facebook please follow the links and join up.

Hey everyone,

i live in pickering, ummm i have played fighting games all my life, but recently i have been focusing on SF titles. i used 2df and ggpo and i am under the name kingdrake. i have also been to lovegety i couple of times only to be destroyed at sf4 and third strike. i own a 360 and a ps3 but i have not decided the system i will play sf4 on. i also haven’t setup an xboxlive account or psn account but when i do i look forward to playing with some of you hopefully.

ahahaha yeah, that totally won that match for me. megaman builds meter crazy fast, wow. thanks a lot! xD

New to SRK, just joined.

Info about me:

Name: Mike
Age: 23
XBL: Chipter
Location: Hamilton, Ontario
Job: Gamestop Sales Associate

Currently playing: Super Turbo HD, Left 4 Dead.
Waiting (anxiously) for: SF4, RE5.

Never been to Pwnz, but my coworker is a regular there (you may know him as “BlackNoise”)… He’s trying to get me to become a regular down there too, but I have a family and not enough time to spend down there. :slight_smile:
I may stop by for this Tournament tho…

BlackNoize is my Pownz hero.
They’re having a release day tourney or something at Pownz for SF4, too. Don’t know the details, though…

Welcome to SRK

hi, i live in scarborough and i go to york u and i will be getting that SF4 and an xbox360 some time in early march

do any of u live in scarborough?

Hey, my name is Josh and I’ve been a lurker for a few years now. Finally with the soon release of SFIV I decided to actually register for an account. Anyway, I live in Woodbridge (Toronto). Been playing Street Fighter since the early 90s, I would say I’ve played almost every Street Fighter (yes even the one that was based on Van Damm’s movie) but never really at the tournament level. While my friends were casual players, finding hardcore tournaments where I used to live before coming to Toronto was impossible.

I consider myself to be a decent player, I understand games, mechanics, and characters. I learn quickly from my mistakes and I love getting my ass kicked in games. I see that as the only way to really learn, improve and know myself better as a player, I mean if I’m not getting my ass kicked every now and then that means I’m facing the wrong people and my skill level won’t improve much or even at all.

I’ve been to Lovegety a few times and faced some good players. Excited about Street Fighter IV alot and looking forward to picking up my copy. I received my TE stick last week and it’s sitting here mocking the hell out of me.

PSN is USF, feel free to add me just type SRK in the message so I’ll know where you’re coming from. I would love to face alot of people from these forums, seems like most of you really know how to play and it would be a pleasure to get my ass kicked by some of you, or kick your ass. Whichever, it’s all about fun and challenge for me. =)

Ryu is my main but I will be playing alot of Chun Li, C. Viper and may be Gouken.

Er, I wanna play you in some games locally pm me your address I’ll come!

Hello everyone, just joined up on SRK. With the release of SF4 looming over me, I found this the obvious place to go for strats and stuff. This would be the second fighting game I’m “taking seriously,” as in meeting new people to play, formulating strats, etc. The first one would be SC4 with the Toronto crew. I’d play some other stuff but I’m just a damn slow learner!