Weird SFIV glitch... or is it?

I am on an 8meg Comcast connection and using DNS settings from I have my D-Link dir-655 router and PS3 configured on a wireless connection and set according to every recommended setting supplied here at SRK.

Yet, every once in awhile after winning a ranked match, I am noticing that I am being penalized as if I deliberately disconnected. WTF! Everything seems alright and I gain the points from my win, yet after checking my stats before going into another fight, PSN appears to have quietly deducted points and sometimes adds to my disconnect rating.

Is there a new cheat going around that I am not aware of or is this simply PSN being anal retentive with my connection?

Im pretty sure this happens on the 360 aswell its the trusty old netcode for the game that capcom spent millions in developing.

Well that was money well spent:looney:

haha it’s not a glitch, instead of your opponent ragequitting during the match, they will dc during the medals earned screen, thus resulting in a unverified match result aka a ragequit giving both parties a dc, and so they can avoid the loss on their record.

I thought the win is recorded as soon as the ko happens now to stop people doing that??

So PSN cannot really tell the difference one way or the other who quits so it just penalizes both parties?.. nice. :rolleyes:

I’ve had this happen to me before. (During a final match too :mad:) I don’t know what causes it but I ended up getting a 1% disconnection rate because of it. It went back down to 0% after I played for few more hours though. I figure it’s just the network acting screwy.