it’s probably been said before in one of these 63 pages but a good ab workout is…
get into the pushup position,
but instead of putting your hands on the floor, put your forearms on the floor
don’t do any forearm pushups or anything, just remain in that position for as long as you can
it will start to burn.
my friend trained with Mr.Universe and he taught him that.
you can do the side version of this exercise as well to workout your side abs but i’m too lazy to explain it.
A filthy style of sit up that the track and field athletes do at the university of Baylor
( same school that produced Michael Johnson)
get an olympic bar ( 45lbs) lay it down under your head and hold it with your hands in a curl position basically holding it tight against the back of your head. Have your feet under something or held down by someone and do sit ups with your arm width at a position where you can touch your elbows to your knee’s …repeat. I tried it last night , it’s beautifully painful
Just curious… but everytime I get prepped to go to the gym my body gets REALLY fatigued and when I get into the parking lot I feel like I hafta throw up at least 3 or 4 times… but once I start working out I feel fine.
This happen to anybody else?
Is there anything wrong with working out the arms something like mon - friday, and then resting on the weekend?
Can anyone recommend a cheap, but effective cardio machine? Just something that’ll get my heart rate up fast and burn calories. I’m not looking to be an marathon runner or anything…
What’s the more effective way to trim down? Weights or cardio?
Hotsuma: combination of both, weight train 3 times a week, cardio 2-3 times a week
Zero: I cant think of a cheap cardi omachine personally… best thing is running on a track and do interval training…
Power Man Fox: Working out same body part more then twice a week is WAY overdoing it… If your body part is sore do not work it out… you have to let it recover, thats when it rebuilds and acutally builds muscle…
And then it even depends on the body part.
I wouldn’t do legs or back more than once a week, but arms you could easily do twice.
But yeah more than twice is just stupid.
best way to lose weight is to get a good diet.
Personally, I disagree. It’s really easy to overtrain such small muscles like the bi’s and tri’s and you have to keep in mind that they are already getting worked when you work out back/chest/shoulders. I’ve actually read that that’s the reason SOOOO many people can’t put size on their arms. But hey, not saying anyone is wrong cuz it’s a matter of opinion and also a matter of whose body it is…cuz my old friend followed someone’s advice and worked out his arms everytime they weren’t sore and put 2 inches on his arms.
I love the once a week per muscle group routine.
Monday for chest and tri
Tuesday for back and bi
Thursday for shoulders and abs
Friday for legs
That leaves three days of rest, during which you can do cardio or whatever.
Something I definately want to focus on is flexibility. I stretch lightly before a workout, but I want to start stretching a lot more and become limber. Any guides or whatever to stretching? I’m sure it’s simple, but I’m also sure there are wrong ways to stretch and I wouldn’t wanna do that.
What’s the best cardio work out?
Bike/treadmill/ellipical (crosstrainer)? I can’t run for more than 10 minutes without my knees cramping up, so is the bike/elliptical a good alternative? I normally do 20 minutes.
Also, I don’t necassarily work out so much that it sores my muscles, but I do have a set set of training I do.
10, 10, 6, 4, 3, 3. Increasing weight 5-10lb each set. Even doing so, I don’t really feel myself that sore. Should I be increasing the weights I do? My goal isn’t to gain muscle, it’s to tone down and lose body fat. I don’t care so much about body weight, but more about body composition. To do this, what’a good diet plan (based on experience?) I have 3 relatively light meals a day, and for snacks, I eat stuff like fat-free jello and/or fruits.
The best form of cardio is rowing. Since rowing machines aren’t the most common thing, and I doubt you’ve got a kayak and a lake in your back yard, the next best cardio workout is swimming. However, if you don’t want to swim, the third best option would probably be biking.
So wait up… I’ve been working out my arms three times a week, Mon Wed and Fri. Should I only work them twice a week? And my back the other two days, something liek Mon and Wed arms, Tues and Thurs back?
You guys should check out I think somoene on here, maybe 300lb eugene mentioned it. That website has an awesome forum for weight training and cardio questions, as well as supplements.
Coco_j: After doing some research, its recommended that each muscle group once a week. For example biceps, you should rest 5-7 days after training. But if you think about alot of other exercises will be working out bicep, especially when doing back. Rowing, lat pulldown, etc.
My routine has been back and forth. I used to do
Day 1 Chest and back
Day 2 legs and shoulders
Day 3 bis and tris
Then repeat this cycle and rest on day 7.
I wasn’t getting nearly enough rest that I should’ve been.
Now my routine is something like this.
Day 1 Chest (cardio, abs)
Day 2 Back (cardio, abs)
Day 3 Cardio abs
Day 4 bis and tris (cardio, abs)
Day 5 legs and shoulders (cardio, abs)
Day 6 rest
Day 7 rest
I sometimes switch up rest whenever I need more. Eat a shit load of protein, bars, shakes, amino acids, L-glutamine, multi-vitamin.
Anyways, hope some of this info has been helpful.
Ah i moderate on a bodybuilding on the internet already.
Getting big arms has little to do with training arms, putting on weight and getting big shoulders willg et you big arms. Your body will want to be proportionate so they will grow.
I mentioned it 3 times, but no one listens to me:sad::shake:
Im not 300 lb of FAT in case anyone is wondering:wonder:
-Just run outside…
-those new running machines at the gym,
( the one where you hold onto the handles and walk at the same time) are pretty good.
-Buy a bike and ride where there are moderate hills.
-spinning / areobics class ( its not just for women) .
Mountain climbing / wall climbing.
-Canoe / Kyacking.
None of these is really expensive… especially the 1st one, its free:clap:
how do i get more flexible. maybe a bit off topic but somebody else mentioned i to.
Dhalsim: “” YOGA!!""