Weekly Versus - Orange, CA - Sunday Dec.5, Weekly SSF4/BBCS ranbat and casual play

Weekly Versus ? Super Street Fighter 4, Blazblue: Continuum Shift

The Legendary Lotus, a local gaming store, is looking to promote the fighting game community by providing a +2000sqft venue with over 8 setups to hold weekly gatherings as well as monthly tournaments. We will also feature a stream setup and additional CRT setups for GGAC, and other ps2 favorite games. Weekly gatherings will be run every Sunday from 11am-closing (determined by the number of players hanging around) and feature casual play as well as a weekly ranbat with prize payout. These gatherings are primarily setup for casual, yet competitive play to help veteran gamers and new players to the scene improve.

The Legendary Lotus
2775 North Orange Olive Road
Orange CA 92865

Starting Sunday December 5, 11am-closing

All setups will be run on PS3 and EVO monitors

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Weekly Versus: Details
(Subject to change, but this will be the likely format for every Sunday session)

DATE: SUN DEC 5th is first session
Entry is $3 per game - This is for all day play and ranbat
Minimum guaranteed payout for ranbats are as follows:
100$ for Super Street Fighter 4
50$ for Blazblue Continuum Shift
30$ for Guilty Gear Accent Core

This is guaranteed minimum regardless of the number people that show up. The pot size will increase, however, depending on the number of players.

So if only 10 people enter SSF4 we will still pay out 100 to the Top3.

Start Times (Tentatvie)
SSF4 and BBCS will be run on EVO monitors and PS3s, players need to bring appropriate joysticks/adapters. PS2 games will be on stand def TVs.

11:00 am Venue opens. Registration and casuals from open to ranbat start times.
1:00 pm SSF4 ranbat start time.
2:00 pm BBCS ranbat start time.
3:00 pm GGAC ranbat start time.
Close time is subject to change, but it likely won?t be until 10pm+.

Casual play is all day before and after ranbats. You can casual for any game but we do ask that you enter at least one. There is no spectator fee but people that entered get priority to any and all setups. Other games that will be around should room/time permit are Chaos Breaker, Melty Blood Actress Again, Fate Unlimited Code, Hokuto no Ken or whatever you feel like bringing.

Rules (Tentatvie)
? All games will be 70/20/10 split
? All games are singles.
? All games are double elimination
? All game will be 2/3 rounds, 2/3 matches, full round time. Grand Finals will be 3/5 matches unless players consent to change.
? For all games winner keeps the same character, loser may switch. Ultras may be changed for both.
? For all games both players agree to stage selection.
? Mid game pause can result in game loss.

? All characters allowed.
? All characters allowed except Valk (he will be allowed one week after his xbl release).
? Unlimited characters banned.
? Kliff, Justice, EX/gold characters are banned.

Standard code of conduct
? Be respectful of others around you and the venue.
? No stealing of store or personal property (there will be security cams).
? Friendly heckling is encouraged but don?t take it overboard.
? People can and will be asked to leave if they can?t behave themselves in an appropriate manner.

Sounds pretty cool, I’ll try to make it.

sounds good! I’ll try and make it out to this!

seems interesting and close to my area. another place to promote fighting games. :] Let me know if you guys need any help organizing anything.

Might be able to make this one.

I pray to god nothing else comes up so i can make this tourney! lol

hmmm hopefully i can make this as well :smiley:

I probably won’t make it out for this one due to prior commitments, but I’m definitely looking forward to future ones, though I need to get a ps3 stick unless I can just borrow from Spidey/Xie.

Glad to see you guys doing this!

don’t have a ps3 stick… will there be sticks provided?

when does the ranbat start? i can only make it past 2pm ish.

If you’d let me, I’ll bring in my xbox for one set up for those of us who only have xbox sticks.

yo DJ, when’s AI’s next tourny?!?!?!

Hey sorry for being late on this reply. 2nd post updated with all the details. Please PM or comment here if you have any questions.

woah woah woah. HnK will be here!?!?!

If you want HnK I will hook it up and find you some serious competition lol, not a lot of us play it but those that do really know their stuff.

Yo a couple of my friends and I really want to attend this thing but we don’t have ps3 sticks.

I’d borrow a stick but i’d just much rather bring my own. What’s the possibility of getting an xbox set up… if you’re short on a console i’d be more than happy to bring my box with a copy of the game for others with xbox sticks to play.

I play that at my friends house, but idk much. I would like to learn. I pretty much do some cheesy combo I figured out but I want to do the 100% ones in true HnK fashion

I have a copy of HnK to use and chaos breaker.

Also we have 3 xbox360s but I only own one copy of super for xbox. If anyone wants to bring more setups/copies of the game we can use the 360s also.

We could also more crts/ps3s if anyone would like to bring one.

Parking here is a bit cramped. There is parking in the front and back of the store and lots of parking along the residential areas in the back. There are no decals or signs for the store yet since it only opened about 2 days ago. All that will be in place next week.

Txt me if anyone has any problems. 951 256-0909

edit: we have another super copy for 360, I also have a ps3 stick for whoever to use since I prob wont be playing much.

so two games and three 3 consoles… i’ll bring my copy~