You’re the Akuma I played on TAG7191
I’ll also probably be doing random sessions if there’s enough Dudley players online on my friend list.
I’m also interested in improving my Dudley, my GT is Zero Adept Nova. I play both Dudley & Rose. Looking forward to Dudley mirror matches.
same here would love to know what i am lacking in so i can strengthen that department, id say im mediocre at best so any advice would be awesome. GT is Spinnervate on XBL
Never Forget.
7 PM EST Mondays and Fridays
Hey Guys-
I’d appreciate an invite next time you are doing this. I’ve got a 2 yr. old in the house so I can’t really guarantee I’ll be on, but I’ll sure as hell try hard!
Live Gamertag: MascotRay
I could REALLY use the training help. Thanks!
Wow I just found this thread lol…
yeah I’m in, ThrobertDownyJr
I hope we have a full room tomorrow guys
Mondays and Fridays 7PM EST
Dont forget
Shoutouts to Mellow’s perfect attendance
I’ll be there Monday. Sorry that schools been kicking my ass =.(
You hosting one this Friday, ThirtyFour? I’ll try and make it.
Every Friday and monday 7 pm EST It’ll be up for a while so PST folk should be able to make it
Add me please. Trying to level up my Dudley and could use a few tips.
Yo Leta play!
7 PM EST Fridays and Mondays.
I’ll send an invite to everyone tha left an XBL GT.
I’m going to make anotherGT called EndlessMGB for everyone that’s a part of the Dudley community also(so I dont have to add everyone on my gt)
Just send an invite to that so I’ll be able to invite everyone easier every meeting.
Good god that was embarassing.
One day I will rape you as hard as you just raped me.
No homo.
GGs ended early because only two people showed up. - - -
Throb work on your spacing against other character’s(even your own) pokes and moves. Knowing what pokes they can use to keep you out means you know whether you’re in high/low/mid counter poke range. Also when you’re hit confirming dont end with LP MGB on hit that’s the worst thing you can do since you’re only + 2 on block they can backdash/DP out after only taking little damage. Also learn how to beat focus attacks. You can f.HP xx Super or LP MGB if you’re in range for it(empty jump ultra lol vs focus)
Ksizz you need to hit up training mode for Dudley. I dont think you play him much ( dont mean anything by it)
wish more people showed up. I would have stayed longer didnt like playing on morning mist bay from start to finish
You mainly hit me with fierces and wake up, I could of played pantsless dudley without fear of being molested. lol.
GGs anyways
srry, I was practicing bad matchups, ill make the next sessions for sure cuz i’ll have alot of free time, need to up my footsies lol.
Geez at least give me credit for …something. Thanks for the advice, I’ll be in monday’s session for sure unless I missed the skill cutoff mark lol.
Your offense scares me and I can’t react to anything and I just end up blocking into corner rape.
Back to the lab for me
You dont have to use only dudley lol.
I use other characters to try to figure out other Dudley’s weaknesses. Makoto and Seth are just for fun alts too.
Sorry I only point out everything you do “wrong”. Hitting people with fierce and wake up is good, but it’s it’s all you have… I cant say much.
There is no skill cutoff in these rooms lol. I invite people that are online and as they get online. Only reason I left is because it was an hour into the sessions, the other, FOUR, Dudleys werent joining ;-;.
(If players lag tho I will boot or mention that they’re lagging privately. I’ll give you time to fix it and everything but i cant have people losing because of lag as a host)
Haha nah don’t be sorry I get what you’re saying, I want a brutal breakdown of everything I’m not good at; that’s the only way I’ll get better.
Thanks for the invite. I hardly play Dudley and the only combos I know are overhead into CR LP s ho and the C lk one. I was hoping I’d win a match so I could use a charcyer besides Dudley but lol. Didn’t mind getting bodied tho. Was I lagging bad for u?