so…did/will this ever happen?
How about tomorrow, Saturday, for anyone not going to a tourney… (everybody that posts in the forums)
… 6 PM EST?
K send me a PM ( not a friend invite ) around that time.
Count Me in too folks I need serious help
Count me in.
going to try to get another going.
This time it wont be on a Saturday since… streams… happen on Saturdays (shoutouts to people with comcast connections)
Another XBL meeting Thursday 7 PM EST
I’ll host again.
Send me a PM ( NOT A FRIEND REQUEST) on XBL anytime before or during the Xbl endless times.
Private room btw so dont go looking for my room on the list.
If 7 PM EST is too early / late for you guys let me know I’ll change it (no later than 7:01 EST)
It takes time for me to sign in, start SSF4, and go on Xbox Live. So no later than 7:03? EST please? Thanks.
7:05 latest before i stop inviting people that left their GTs here or sent me a message.
Idk prob 7:06
eh sure y not im down. add me/inv me if im on at that time
gt: zachary cage
another xbl meeting this monday 6pm - ??AM EST
Send me a message,
room set to private
I’ll be using Dud Seth Makoto thawk and Cody
Alright, I’ll be Using Dudley, Akuma, Ken, Cody, and Seth.
gt: iM Soo MeLLoW
Aight since noone’s EVER on when its 7 PM let’s make this a twice a week thing.
Every Friday and Monday at 7PM EST
I’ll be hosting Dudley player only room XBL
Leave your GT here ( if you havnt already and I’ll ADD you to my friend list.
I’ll send out invites to YOU as LONG as you’re ONLINE or SIGNING on.
Have a good thanksgiving.
Also if you lag excessively you’re booted.
Liquid is the only exception
(haters gonna hate)
thats head, invite me when this starts… I need to better my footsies because it’s really shit.
I was on last night, but on Black Ops, also Happy TG to everyone. I’m gonna stuff the Dudley out of this turkey and Pork tonight!
getting online now sending invites
Session over
Players involved
Liquid, Jake, Mellow, 34…
played on a lot of morning mist bay…
Use Jump MK as an air to air vs limbs guys.
XBL is free for the next two days so i borrowed a copy of SSF4
tag is x MrQuotes x
ill try to jump on sometime today
My Dudley fails. That is all.
I’m up for an unscheduled session.
I’ll make around 7PM EST
GG’s today SJ. lol, Juri’s long ass corner block strings.